The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)



IIHAl A' fill, Kllaalirt'h B.vsirle"Hooni; 'nVvaV (urn. In oak. rent li. 'I'hune. William 7t.

1 --nii "Veil fiimr haWkrior lady or Jent. li Mb. rimltli, Urn. Saturday, 6.1 ijofoK Miifiitt tiiownooM. BEST PART, NKAII MAIIKIT -STRBIX In tot lliow rentrr, near motor bii.iii.H., in Cindle- fufht ilof to 3nmtl-i.

mi-ai lor unirrui uuMIH-ri. njrdeiilarly fur Motor Cur or Act-orlf. Will Id a l.nn by uirame- annlv lliimrt I ALMS. IW Til'-i ixlll.T. II ratio.

Urailit rliuiinl d. blautci. mURIK rooim 'to' week, Vai.i.rii-:. otlt A.hfii-ld. 3U 1 VAlll.lMilll it.vr.

Hat, No. 3 t'uiwiidd Litcliftijbattirormi. jta3, iitK-coiit I llll.llnT. aw "victoria lrfr i i.AT,""; I k.tlll.lNtl 4 tun iii, t'oiioie. bachelor.

TlAlll.ixil'HT.-U'eTl liiTii. Vkt wMfTvKS, rl. Unlit, gat, piano, laundry, hi ini. -nit, tMl, i II' J' li I 1)1 I'T. 1 1'otta P.

Vim. Will. A itomotivb lUSllllUi; AUCiTlllNS. TUB AU10UOT1V1. itniTKR At IOMIIIVK AUCTIONS.




AUTOMOTIVK AUCTIONS. I.AIKiKST op CAIU Of ANV I'LACB IV Tin; CITY TO CHUUtii; 1'IIOM. WHY NOT BUY YOIT1 CAR AT TUB CIIKAI'ISI I'llICi; avaii.ahi.i:, ANU SAVK mi ore to no tl for na our charee ia COMMISSION ONLY. I.ARGKST MOTOR PAI.KM ROOM IS N.S.W. Trlalk ifivcn miy nioinent, Al'TOMOTIVK AUCTIONS, (Oily CflOO), 17.

"it Vf.nlworlit.i1,',.iiB Oi.o 1.1,1 I. T.toi- iii'ii JJ KAVOV. Knil-IMi Tn'iv." wkiiiiiiiki' Liriiiii, i. rir iinr'u. II roiiii'.

rvni "7 n. rui. i. I 1HI.IMI IJSmk on Intnl. Hart.

I lJIalUi-tt. XJ. H'RXISIIKD or rVMrRNISIIKD M.ATH. riUi Hereford n. Lodec.

fpHRKtr-ltOOMKf) 4 el throughout, relit I.Vj KUH)Nqiii 41., Darllnghurst. Wm. MM), ii i'r 1 URUngiiuiist iiuad. JlillN'S FLATS. Muperlor FurnidiH S.U.

FLAT, nil ronveni ror.ouii.i noi-waifr and large l-lonv. 4riil urttif. Thoic. tt'm.

rest. 1 AIII.IMj I'UIM. I tut, i.nluin., In rl, libtltul if, iikini ifiiiiiiimi. mi'l whole n( onr IV.or, lvm iinl hiilrnniri. Urn erounrtf, IA tint.

Mr. I). li. Mali, ioliritor. Martin plai-t cjpi i.sdid Vru.

iiivtu fi.M'- Woollen Serge Tailor-made Tioum-w, OrrLR At.f KITED, MiiKt noM mimed. Pelcr-tiaiii -ivii I0W: ur upply CutU-r'K Garage. ram HuiL Wear Well- Corded Khaki Mole Tr.nners, taped fVVLItHM) 7... light, Hup. (bjby.

e). L.I K-amr. Hilt. KW: Caltlicipc (bitb; lieaulr; Sawn, F.N.jDark Wtarpruof Palmerctte Tr.itject, nothing MUSICAt INSTRUMENTS. SEE THE STKCfC If you should be thinking of purchaitov a Pliyrr piano and cannot make uu vour mind.

SEE THE KTECK PIANOLA. Hie STECK itanda (or our judg. merit 01 piano It ranks among ini wonu but plane, and has unquutiouatiiy jsu eurcniuti. Onlv from TOE AEOLIAN COHPAS'Y (Australia), LTD. Georiie -street, Sydney.

VVANTED. IRON-FRAME PIANO, tllout ti ouh, private. Mrs. Pliil.LIl'rt. The Dell.

street, Newtown. WANTED, Iron-frame PIANO. State price and make? to Hayes, Prella, Matllda-st, Uondl. WANTED," Iron-frame PIANO, for cash. IL Francia.

At-htont, Waverley. VtTANtED Purchase, Homier Gramophone. State make, recordtt. If any, Altm. P.O..

Strathllidd "ANTED. PIANO. 1U to Slt caJl. Ki Sturt-lt, lieiwingtoii. 'Phone, City :34.

WANT, Piano, suit our whool, 10 to W. Write. suiting maker, Mi-dreM STEENBURN, Corunna-road, Staninore. WANTED, imn-fraine PIANO. cJh.

Mira John- ston, c'o P.O., N. JtfOTOE CABS, BICYCLES, ETC. fTwo lint, lubont It u-orda). if: rttnrda.a. 6.l Y'OllRIFA-Kljr.

IjrvlaiiilV Napitr, Inienialioiial, 'Taf. MIIUIII-. iKit, i I other laxries on h.nrl lOR IKS fo. 1,1 iru.u-t In 4 LIM14. PrlCC.

IflKIIIKS. I.UIlltlKS. Iron, on for ra.h. nr triiin 7 trt tnl. extra iharilurl on balam for l.UHKIr.H.

uinitii.s UHIKII. If rim. Wlih all lorries we giuranfce tnnr conilltlon, anil pive a nrw car yiiarantee illi each om IflllRIIX. IfllllllLS. i.ortiiiKs.

lorries to be to crv of rtur ribuil itai or a new icrjT. in uuu rcc Titc for price list. PAIGE. Yurong and William streets, belo.v Museum. ijrjitii lIRUIKS.

VtW. K'. sv.w. XKW. MiW.


XKH'. XF.W. XBW. A new car or lorry depreciated from 25 in per cent, the lir-t year. A rebuilt ear or lorry, which cannot bje distinguished from a new car or lorry, will give all the service a new ear or lorry give you.

and in, therefore, a much better investment, a It chows a much smaller rate of depreciation after yearn of service. We have some of the le3t of European and American cars and lorries selling nr. aliout htitf their eou We guarantee the machinery of them the Kamo aa we do a new car or lorry. Write to us (or lists of satisfied owners who r. Lf.

7m ms arranged. 7 per cent, extra balance. Your small car part payment. nave itau our years. Terms charged on lorry taken part payment.

Cant may be inspected up to 9 o'clock each night. PAIGE, Yurnng and William streets, below I i iitf! am rifiuircrl. Annlv RiWOKlf i ijriMiiirc (I pi It iim I II fiery iiblf- comcnirnc-. sn. fori unm, Lue iV.

1 niinuirs -lauxn. nn per nee. fpj LIT, AliflflTSJ'fiUO. i mint from tr-nt. IM-'.

rt. rtJt'rt. U. Murray, iit -an Ms Sd. an-1 Khy, 117 Titt-st.

BI4. TtrVIStlVn f01TA(7KS. t' IIAVK Tllf'U VVm-P. 1LU l-T. tfioJirr.

i onvf nUiireH, dec- i tic UdL. poviff poihL. eon crounilj. ifiBlr fnr fnimhin, I innaa ureei, Anhfleld. uy fay 'JP 'n 1 D.m, imVEldRV.

-SVp avl li-4 rent opt. buy flU0RS rAinORIf, 'J tu in.Oi ft, clt.r and ALL Grcfti'ourl Hat, next Woolton HouilUl. j.irkv-ht I I ''-iifcHiii i. Hniut. nUlirlj i iitH'.

rui, jihwIpi-i timlilmi, ll( tis. knioli gw. at lltllnstoti IUII, Wool'roit-M. I-' Kliin(( lariji- ronmn, Urge balconiw. n-innamc iriiunLi lir riii.sonahk trm.

Applv Man- the wlmlc of oho flnnr. wtih lawn and eardms. in wlrct Piiy iKK.m iia noor, Kit nu-nreei; i fflBlTlBS. V4IIIOL-M ItKNTALb, SKt L.S. TAIV HafidwirU, lL, JW9.

(PCTaj, and Wit -klwrt. "ptM-KfLlKr. Com. I'nfufn. S.C.

FLAT. 5 laft. .1. T. Wall ami 0A 1'iit st.

ovprlooks harbour. 3 or 0 tnontha. Water-frontage i-iai, fi-tr. magnilict-nt poniuon. Also, Darlinir Point, ft lounge hall, hot OFFICES TO LET, WANTED, ETC.

ImSiriWff: kSt aw ItASTLKHrlMiU and IICNTKR SJTJj', tibUcreVgh li'tt'elie, cvprj-thlutt 1 05 Qfowi floor. I'artica. from found, ndudine (ra-s IfO'. U3 Albion-kt, Hohp.

IjLRfjt I mSjrVLA-irTCrr-cy. StTlf TAX'' MKTKR, in perfect condlUon. ill cl oriP Delivery Car, covered ced CQO1 Cffj 1, Lonl-st, Newtown. ecu cedar VlUFJlCLVt-CILAAlOKlO. IlHttiurst stt.

Offtcea Hals. Kurrey-itt. Uarlluyhum. Ut; Otticu to Let. ittona Arcade, hull anv Tl ltv 11.1.,,.

pi -r XTJSICAL IKSTBU1CENT8. AL TOTOVR rLAYERPrANO Mill be a revelation to you. Come io tod IilV it yourself. Ak to hear your favourite eong or pianoforte piece played over upon this magnificent Initrn merit. You will be astonikhed and delighted with Uie artistic rendition.

Tho piano ban superb tone quality, full and mellow, and the player action it won dcrfullv rHiponnive to the t.llghteit touch. The ACTOTONK PLAYKR-PIANO an unfa iiing source of entertainment which will afford the fullest meuure of enjoyment in your home. WRITR FOR CATA1.0OTT-S, TRICK LIST. AND EASY PAYMENT M'JSTKM. TALING AND George-street, SYDNEY.

OPEN UNTIL NINK TO-NIGHT. "JSTABLISHEO 163. ELVY nd York-it, Wynranl-square. fiPKC'IAL. Fine Rrwewond Kteinwav Grand, 220.

Beautiful Mahgunv Bauer and Co. -2(A Perfect Rosewood Gora and hull man Grand, i.i"'o. These instnunenta have been allghtly uvd; their valuta are at present time mucii more than mioted. LvaPF.cnoN iNTrrcD, BI.VY and 8S TORK-STKEET. CTTT, opppKite Banilntaiid.

JJ1ANOS FOR HIRK. RLYY AND York -street. tUAYH "HIS" PART NOW. He'd alwara eav: "Oh. I'm a lollr good listener." when we'd artr.

him to play the ordinary piano; but NOW well you chould see his dear old face beam with very joy as he fits and plavs "THE ANGELI'S" "THE AN4.ELLV you see it is so very easy for him this way. It's jttt as if some great new Influence lud come to brighten up hi We, Have you ever heard tlie A VG ELL'S Player Piano yourulf? t-uperb nothing else like It. Showroom open till 0 o'clock to-night. CARNEGIE ami SONS' 2M GEORGE-STREET, SYDNEY. "IJLANO BARGAINS.

PIANO RAItGAlNj. LASH UU I.A3I lljltJ1. IMhUKSl. at2j, 45, XO). 7i, to i'J-i.


Pitt-Btreet), lint, opp. Palmer's. Our ril iff litly -used Pianos present nn excellent selec- to choose trom, at very low prices. The makei include: Rroad'Aood, Sanies, Feurich, Roniscli, Lipp, Drejden. Wiliner Kcke.

and various others. Cash or Terms. We Buy, Sell, or Exchange Pianos. Open till r.M. to-niviit.

G. 11. MARTIN and Tlie Reliable Piano Depot, -lARIONETTES. 410 to A.B.C. CorneU Jill, Cases, Stringri, Ifeautiful loud-toned llanjo Mandoline, vellum is 12 Inches.

Instrument hainlsom cly chased. Violins, from 3 to 300: Violin Cases and Jiows. flutes, itaiijoa, to i'iu'; uabinet Itexonolas, Table RexcnolaR, 21 to Records bv everv mail. POGONOWSKI 70 1 dr. off 701 ESCOPIIONE PHONOGRAPHS.

At Wholesale Trice. Whr Pa More? iou cannot buy a -better instrument. Demonstrations all day. Cull and satisly ynurnelf. Showrooms, Wynvanl'-buililingn.

Carrington-f treet. IJIANO REPAIRS. FRKNCHPOLI SUING. Have your PIANO Restored to iU original appearance and tone by Experts at a reasonable cost. ESTIMATES FREE.

'Phone, write, or call. Only address: C. WLNK WORTH and SON, lfi0 Pairamatta -road. Annandale C1ABINETS. CABINETS, CABINET.S.-Come and have i them demons! ratetl, and iieur their unapproachable Tone, which is ao noiteltsa.

The Wonderful Tone unaccompanied by the rasping and scratching and vibratory noisea usually ajiiociated with the Phonograph. Instrument on its own; ne'er a rival, from Machines to nlav anv needle or Sannhire Iteeord. VaiM. jppl.y hJrtes Salon, Gl Llizabeth-ttrjet. IX all st ml.

Ktanra LOIUiW POSITION, l.lUttX. FlaTT TiitTDtTiiiinii X'. iJarley-rd, Runrlwkk. 'Phone. 5)7 itand.

yrf lCK IN MODERN HLILUI.NG. MODKHATK Kl.NT tens, ovna Pnce, Cbaiselinj RAir and llViitvV" It A IN and HOIIAL. i'w7; 1 ltKV. HAT, "Mib ponnir tram. 11 to 4 o'JfSw.

I TMyrtlui. Initt. Neutral Bay. I TIvr' f-f'. in titp.

private home. eT. Utation. Anatmon. 'Phone, JlKto.

DO YOU STAMI 'Oil ANTl l'lt" ITTKKIIINT.r ir so ITS IV ".0 YOU TO SIT'I-OIIT J. ij.u is in Ilia eunii'tt ruinnalQ to Kite in rt-tuni for MUCH I.OWKil Hit UKillUU IfCAl.llY COUPS. OUT fir.T'lW KOI.K NOTU UK vnilWAUli il or.lir. or over POM JTIKE IV N.S.W, liitentate ve jkiv half io.laice, Hoot, lioiu tiuiTlui anil llartlA'aie. lleai-v Slrloeil BritUh Flannelette r.vjiinu, iiH''.

HoV Hrftliji Tweed Cot.uolil Suit), well ma-le. 13:11. Ilollaiid Moior Coats, rtiluied from 2ii! to tl'H. I'lill-leiislli (lil. lcalher dicing.

HiitiOi Catiur'line lluglan toll cloth lined, l.uriir' Klial.1 or Sltmlo Walmiroof. M'fl and Tallnreil iii- MK lilaliloii. ant on I to rone. ieTier. ll.

GeiiiMic Barb-v 1 ire Twist Holeproof Tinmen, ilark grey, 11 It. trll Uearin? Yntiken lliiiiniirri TtontMi. ti 11. Diirk KlinLj wur mi, I tub pro if Working Troucr.t, '1 uarvaro uorLii'? 1 rt. for wcjp.

IvhiiM Dtill 'lurtu, anv 1I0II1, ii. Itom-' 11 1 Mrlnoil n.blni Sl.irtu. A 11. Blue Drill jfhirui, thai wear like kI, lUiV WorLioir (V Wldio Tcruiii Shirts Hois' I) 1. 'entu.

or doeft. F.xim -xira" btrgc Colound Work Hand- roomy riblied C'tUton Undervetle, old price now BI.U LUIp llm 11 lit UljM Grey Working Sov, 1' 0 pta. for Blb-k FinMt So, 3 pr. t. MIY tf lot 1 IHIack All wool Knitted Naial' Inie 8ox.

IT9-. hliaki Arutv Tunic Coals. IS. Naval Flannel Under Drawer. 0 ft.

djustable -li'I Nuval,t BiK 1 'fl. libaki IlU'-lc HuveoncVs. with hoitldir strun. "11.. NuMil Trausptrt 71.

Ittovl.ed Tin Naval Mess Kettles, 2 gallnrt. ft'. lito.ed Tm Naval 1a or t'offee Pots, i 6, 5.6. I Mot 1 1 T.hln (Artil Oft frhort, Canvag Naval Weather Iz-ffginss. 2 0.

Boy-; Braces, 10; Men's Samson Braces, 2 'J11. KasJiioiinlih Felt Hat, hlightlr damaged, but Ust the thiiir for work, Anuy Stockport Drill Riding Brecrhe. 27 ii. 'lahanliiie Riding Breeches, Tan Iieathcr Logging, mc-cl backji. ft 0.

Itlorkcd I'olislied Com hid" Armv lilern ltrgir.g. IS rt. Hinrk and Round Polished Cowhide Army Olfli'crs' Palleni Leggings, 'jr. Black for Kiddie VC'lothing. Shirts, 2S inches.

1'iq. Khaki Drill for everlasting wear, Inches, 1101 vd. Uiiblraclied Pillnic.w)i, ID.d. ''ite Pillov raPH, l1, 3 for 3 'ft. Unbleached Ready.mnde Double Bed Sheets Al grade, sewn eam, II 'ft l0, 4 11 eath.

Soft Whit. Madapolam. inches wide. 13 vd, ll 41 do. ltnti-h Whito or Cream SO-inch Flannelette, like a iMiir.i-i.

i vi, dozen, lilai;" Brand Longcloth (world famed), 1 yd, do. Dark Orv Rcncal Twsed, for Kiddies' Clothing, '-f) indies I IP. Black lfct giade IlaHun Cloth. inches wide. 3 '3 vd.

Navy and Black Woo'len Gabardine, iro. duct. inolies, yard, worth double. Strong Pure UnMoaclied Sheeting, lv.l wide, yd. Bleaches with one or two v-ailic.

Faniou "Falc-itr Brand Sheet inT, i'9 vard. TOWKLS AT IP) I PRICES. Stripe.1 Terrv Towels, l.fl, 15J, l7i, I all good hires and weights. Kitchen Towels, woven I'll each, 3 for 5 '3. Iridi linen Finish Table Daniflsk.

vard. ARANTKED for LESS MONEY. Surplus ScoMli riraine.l Soli- Ualher Naval Unre Bool, repaired ii. Tan Anny Ib-ls made be t.nvl, Contnu-tor. lfl 11.

Hcai T.iti Militarv Mehl S'eni- Bonis Otllcers Tati Willow Unlfonn Boots worth now n. Black Bordeaux Calf Uniform Boots, 1-inch fewn notes. 21 Naval Black Calf Dres -ots -I'd. Triple-foled Black Solid Leather Working Boots standard terrwed, OPEN Tll.Lt?n FRIDAY NIGHTS. .1.

S. 1FW1S 4 RIG BAROIN STOR1-S all nlone Sidney's Iaxh Street. MAIL ORIH.t HEAD STOIIK. 1V-S Circular Ouav. BRNCHLS, 107 Oorce-street Wrt.

Ceorge-iitrvet North, 7-'2 George-tret. Ilaminrkct, SYDNEY. Latest RhMmled C.italog. rinmlt foranlcl on Goods forwnrde.1 Y.P.P. You pay your Po-tiuai-ter on delivery.

STOCK-TAKING SALE IN TOILET PAPER. Wp arc now supplying our Bmuda of tho above: t. or, RolK, Rrown, 3 for 1'fl. Sfl do3itn. oz.

Rolls. White. 3 for 11(U. 7 ikzcn. utiicc crthhlers, IrR nnl per doen.

Piactiuo Type Paper, 7d per lb. iai Value Envelopes, ji per 14W, 70 and 6,0 pet Nite or coll To-day. Th Cheapest Store In Town. ACSTIMLIAN PAPER 1f2-i Ca-rier-iigh-Mreet LKAKINf OUT. Everything iiiut Property ll'lMi wrffe uime, nri not'r, in riu-aircet, between I'LAT wriw-pifc-v uti'i iMBg-airect, low rent; no ugenti.

17 riBllt at Kton. -iftrlniM viw. nni.LBVun mix, A cosv ml 1 -tout. KLAT. larci? Ijcdronm also lulf.ony Room, dining, eltc.

1. and fl)', ICt Pitt hirret. flFHCtS to l-t, close C.P.O.. Suite 3 room or fccparJtyiy. netcner.

Hi Pitt-it, it i nu-tr. AIT1CF.S TO l.KT, heart of city uote inaitpier. 1 strong IIAHOI.I) HUAV (Wav. i77. nosni BHACH.

r'l found. Oxford st, op. Cent. I'k PAIEK. at tram ten.iinut.

Itoonn. IjVooi.i. clor1. Itt'lit. cas b.

and eon. AFF1CE.S. central, well lighted. renoaUal. and re- TTL'llUVluNK touirucwi.

i.u L-MiereaKIi-sl. cnP arriCK. ICO t. Ptit 7 'fl ner week. Annlv A'- nnrt.Son.

1 ram llurlat. Prf. U. K. Amotd and .1 Sprif.fc-6t.

i T'kNJilNUTON. I'rtf. Plat, Si-nd t.ncnaru. onrrs waiueu, 101 iuay-si. I I I Model lit ion- nd hp- 1 pfarancf like now, NLTT4IN, Urovcr, hlret-t, Parraiiutla.

'Phone. L7iU. I'ciinaiit-i LORRY. S(cait taui. Talbot, new ores Boeli.

Zeniili, Deyonshire-M. it 4 V-'i. 117 Al'frel-l, 'Milon'n Point. fjORD. I.iRi.t"De!iyei.', "flat" top, well ho-l, good Ji.

nruer. Rolph. Pitt-t btarlrr. terms, bal. easy.

Rolph, 47-j Pitt-kl llojch good ty Pf illlaui-tt. 1,1011 Sale, 6-str. Chei-rolet, spec, bo-ly, any 275. AppV 07 Dourkc-M. rial, suit good splcn.

running order, 100. PlioenU Biscuit Cievclaiid-st. Lwkii DELIVERY, latest model, as new, ennopyfl tray, tvres. a banrain. 1U1 GJt-H.

I tyres. fpOl RING CAR, Inspection. in good order, cheap, any trial orl rnonc, I'auu. cheap. body.

fS'AKLAND DH a beaut, up-to-date, JC250. Selbome Motor 741 Geoige-xU TANTKD. OWNERS. desirous ilhpr'ini of their MOTOR CAR'' CYCLES, AND ACCIHMRII. TO KNII.ll NOW tor I.ESl'Y'S WEEKLY SALE The largolv-atU'ndnl and Popular Meekly Salei i reeognUnd by the Trade and Owners as I nt.


This is the SUREST AND MOST RELIABLE METHOD OF SELLING YOLU CAR TO ADVANTAGE. Fullest value tired, an we sell on commiRsiou only, and our SPACIOUS and Up-to-date Showrooms uiicw your 10 up uupiayeu to its utmost advantage and demonstrated with convenience. THE LARGEST MOTOR SALEROOMS IN N.S.W. AUTOMOTIVE AUCTIONS. 17-21 Went worth -avenue (next Boyd Edkins, Limited). wm. have a car which they desire to cxi-liange for a more sultiihle one, I liave a wide range ot good cars avaiiaoic, nnu wm giaoiy enteruiin ail Euy terms for difference in values if required. T. B. FIELDER.

RB Castlereagb-strert. Sydney. 11TTD. TO BUY. new or s.h.

Motor Waffson or Truck. 1 Puit. brisid delivery, if muni lc in Drpl-class cunn. 1 cry, 1 rown-it ro.ti-onice.

Mirry inns. WANTED, ringlc-scater CAR. Vvli particulars and lowest pric1, kx; iitmu. "ANTED, Hght Cir, about 'Jfi6. Tei hill particular)-, Wind-or, Ahbeld Post-ofBcc.

"TA PIER UO.VS MOTORING NOTES In tht iN "SYDNEY MAIL" cue the useful hints of an expert for cutting down cal expanses, end any motorist with a problem is inwtrrt to submit tt lor solution. TOE SALE. Two lines fabcut Saturdaya. 26.1 pURTHER EVIDENCE OF OUR KEEN VALUES IX TOOLS FOR CARPENTERS AND ENGINEERS. i and CARPENTERS AND ENGLNEERfc.

Nowhere in UiN citv will Tradesmen find a ucttcr ouou of value in Toolb than that obtainable at Savage's Tool Store. Here attention is concent ruled L. on onlv and Tools of the utmost dependability of rernni.fd inaker.i. Carucnters hlrici'. nicely furnish hJ, ar.d telephone, rent rxrouna liuor, 3 roni, lai, Huntr-r-streft.

IU'RRY ard CA. O.van Howe. Martin-pi. KrncKS, clarence-st, 2r. kent-st, -n-n, 17 IT RI.I7...ST.

L'l. OtU and St'w. 0, rcntral. PHII.UPS. miKKIIt.

aivl 119 ftltlCE. Plain It funiislied. neur P.O.. itn.ludiTfS- Ifcht, 20 I'RO(JREKSIVB AGENCY Pen- fcrichinitiers, ia) Elizabcch-streft, tity. well roo'ny, Moiern CITY UttU-Lb.

A VENDER BAY con mud. T'llilHWLM or Milsfm's 1't. .14 Wino'ijrhhv-rd. fni p. Matt, f-vrry cotivenietioe.

25', KiRunifi.i.i.-t on'. 1 or upsi.tir Pint, JO', V. 1M T.lKIUKILLl. Rfiini. tiiirtlv XV riiculrni 'J.

or Grtnl. Kloor, cxr. Cpprr Pitt -st. Norrti 441. I'Ut, 1'p.

I all rnnv.t., A Pilt-ht. ICalS. M. Burkn. I "Jar livina.

3 hod roomx, so vcninduh, laundries, canlen. RENT STANTON and SON. LIMITED. M-MAHOVS iinfur it'll r.L. It.

view. Blue's Pt. td. II-SON-S FLAT, roomii, kitdnu, 7'J 4 ariibelU-strPt, I met. I'0M A V.

Evl. Flat, evry nun, t.nlf-1-.. le, larpe AVON FLATS, Llbmiaiu off Bradley's I lead-road. Dl viOWN FI.TS. tear 1 1 1 1 1 wJiidproof buildu.ff, elwuiw el.

tri-: Ue-Juuram premie. W. MbAt, on Pre Tel Matilv iMit ON THE HEIGHTS'. IV; BLR FLATS. SVDNEY RiMD.

at tii train -1op. JO minutea trom wharf. I'NFl RMhHED FLATS. Jum completed. With evi-rj1 nio-lern (ilorioub 61PUD ami ILirbour ibun.

Em-h Flat conUiii.a roens, kitchen, bathroom, h. and MPler. emndahs hai ant ir-nt. T1. Fine-! Blot-k of Flats in Manh.

PRH K. Apply trner, W. BERRY, on rem ia. 4 l.t. Flat, b.iit "yTIL nr.

Re. Supr. Furn. t.n vr. and hLr.

iicv. 211 "li. glori-: "VML'TRAL BA Wcll-furii. S.C, I "1 I 1 I i I iflK hM HANHK AiiLM IIaS. 117 Fitt-ttfeet.

fVPCES ami HPI.K BOOMS ti LPT. GOODS and MODkk JF. IIKNTAT.S. kG9VS. 1 'arii as m7.hi, hinilr rr in Applv mn.

Sfwsiwd Hon, liiP-Sil nr lTAKTH.rUHiES. ard 'ROS. Martir-pUe. ftrYlCES, OHKTS, OVTICKS. BJ It'.

17 O'V. In that woU-linnwii buhini. tlioroujrhhre. and en- lo tr Itailwar Siatton. HrJ ratURil light and ventilation.

Tip-top rlr-trif ar1 Il.ili'-'a.'f Alio, uil-x if mCES, from lo rooms. Mot up-to dale- eon FsxnraL Apply w. itintt.tiin. Rjwwn place. opp1 Svtlnev Stdl in.

ban; or two private and I.AK4JK Or TTf.r. i min. la 4J.P.O. On Hrnt floor. U' 733, AVCE Hi Pitt -iln-tt.

1 SirnfW. 133 i'iu-st. ASTkD, Room, rjit asrtayi, lop building limilar uardalter's floon. llobcru. 111 BESIDENTIAL FIATS.

1in. lahont 14 wh), Saturoaya, 29.) IT VMlV.nVH2Ajf 11 DiirliiiL-huiat-td. Ground -floor WL Front HAT. V' PJ Vi.rtoria-.'.t, Drlinqhurst. yas Hrr, ail coi.v.

-Furnished FLAT, e. ne 4y I'iirn. blf- (JfvjniMit-ftr. ro-jp: 1iii-ii. JaWl 74 1 VIM 97 Catiipbcll-t, ma'fifil 'ounie a pror.f.

fii.e nt. Paddington, Nicely :onvnniei.p(s. R. n-nrrl RvhancrA -J iHl. nl.o.

i. ii, harboui iWi, uilin. tiny. Si It Lu.h- jilnm- iviil Iff mirt. cR- mod.

"it garden, B. CLOjE ITY. -L'nfnrp. I largo loomi, f.y. bal.

"irfe garden, APARTMENTS, BOARD, RESIDENCE, Aitii'e tsH'fiNisiiijy iioom. tii obviIct SJ rlo to Irani. No. 7 Young-Hi. AnnaorW.

fOnllAN. -Uric Uooni, overlk(. May. (entit-i ultli 1 nilaut. wharf.

Uosinan-H. ANDY, Double, Himrle Room, Ocep-out, pirt lioapl, 1 min. ixat, 4 Darlord. Bal.

Iwdx, kiwi (tingle luriy, k-j hi.iid tram, tr. Itotneiy, lirgvom. AfOsM AN. Front ROOM, auit buiinea lady, witu U. YU1H8.

TOSil AN, Jernoint, Snlt rd. bne front double l.KHOIIV lll, erv convenience, mod. tema. MANLY, tleine JJ. and or full Board ottered two tf-n- Irtnen.

romfoTtatde Flat. 6 minutes boat anu arf. Box Hi, G.P.O. MANLY. 'Phone, House for gentleman.

Beautiful views, home comforts, flrst-tJau cooking. Breakfast or board. fl2 Woods-parade. Near awlmminr and boat. "VICE Bed aitt.

g. tvlove, 1., t. light, er. Hi, Milton Hotel, King st, Newtown. "VM'THAla, BAY, 20 "L'ndercliff autuciei for 2 Friends or M.r..

6 min. terry. SYDVKY HGTH nr. Res. In rcf.

for Paiins Guul. 'Phone. North iit. IIADhlNiiiOV. Furn-I'largc Doubt, front' ROOM, Hellenic tram lo door.

(iumer-ht. Room, fully" alho Single Room OrniondLtt. JJ)OOM to Let', working man, with of without mials-i' Bmngham-ht. (ilrbe. TAMlWl -Ut-hiie-I P.

and Doubl Single Km Rooii.if. li. bath, cowl table. 14A Alllon-rd. BA, 77 Beach rd.

opp. Balhn 3 IV huge Bod -silt. ROOMS, gitt ring, breakiuit tr-y, auit butineai VUlgjjtei. rilJSIKT'PTER BAY." Two weH-furnhhefl" PTVGLC k- ROOMS, all convenience, hot wat-er, telephone, brignt outlook, one minute from tram, modPratc. II BeadrroMfL Kdg.

WINGLffROOM, furnislicdri'right, airy, and i lean. 3 miiiutea from tram. 77 Paddington-bt, Pnddington. ROOM, fiirnkbcl, gent. only.

IB Moore lark-rd, Moore Park. iTIlAnn iELD. -B. and R-. single man, 2m.

sUbon, e.b.. home cooking. Lharnwoon, Kobert-st. SINGLE ROOM, KUlFsober, renpectible man, 10. Little Huckingham-at, city.

44 TRATHF1ELD, 1 minute station. Fum. Dbl. Room, gai stpve. mod.

vlntrle mill Hi.nlilc Itnnmi. everv trnm lit door. Ramsay-sU Haberfleld. tlOLTH KENSINGTON. Front ROOM, or will furnish, huit room and brcakiast, or U.U., a minutei tram, hismct, snapc-strceu twIL'MMER.

HILL. nai station. LadT. nrifate home. will receive lew gentlemen, bed and breakfajt, 21.

Comfort. Summer Hill P.O. TWO Furn. bright, Single Rooms, gas, good piano for practice. 2f0 Falcon -at.

N. Sydney. rT0 Ll-rr, Furnished Front ROOM, suit resp. bnsinea J- man or woman. 313 Abercrombie-st, Red cm.

T'O LET, Beautifully Fum. Double Room, suit married couple. Iurham-st, Stanm re. TWO large L'nfur. Room, 1 balcony, all clOh; tram, lf 47 Darlington-rd, Darlington.

1H two Balcony ROOMS, unfurnished. 131 Nclson-fi. Aniiaiidalc. rpwo (urn. Bed-j alno double I ROOMS, dining, bale, k'ette; all fouwl.

b2 Siirrcy-st, Dhst. rpo LET. Furn. front ROOM. suit m.

couple ui -1- frietids, ail con1 30 WiUon-st. Ttedfem. (TWO Larire Lniuni. ROOMi-. use of kitchen.

gas. lj:" L'nderwood-st. Pjddington. riV) Lirf, large partly furnkhed ROOM, In iclect prl- home. Quiet.

Bnrwood P.O. rnWO large" I ntum. ROOMS, glasi balcony, bath. -I- rent moderate. 47 Foratt-rdAriiclifie rpO LET, Aubjrn, 2 Cnf urnWicd" P.ooma, with private a.0.

ver rn.a. couple prefened. E. 1. and gar.

Terms mod. 0A18, Herald OBice pHR EE large Unfurnished ROOMS, sleeping-out ver-X uiidih, kitchenette, gas stove, one minute from htation. Trenarlet, Parneli-atreet. Strathfifld. TO LET, Balconv ROOM, furnished, use kitchen; one Front ROOM three Single ROOMK good bedi.

Trains by door. 146 Campbell-street, city. I tuple, TTNFCRNISHED Front ROOMS, cottage, suit coup! Bondi-rd. near net it U- 2 Balconv ROOMS, adjoining, Flat. 24i Castiercagh-st, Bedferu.

NFl'RNJSIIED Front Room, new hungalow. handy train, 'Uua, bingl prrxm preferred. Apply Sat. before 01 co*k-ht. Iacv.dsham,iir Iew.

lIotel. for buiinea. people, bright. Funny room vacaiit. laQi'hlel.

Batinerrnan-st, 'rciriorrift Y31fcl. forTefined Gentleman, priv. Pni. family. 12 Botany-bt.

Waverley, near Tjondj Junctjun. TACASCY, Board and ItViidence, uuit working man, private family. 13 Hopewell-st, I'afldington. TAffANCY, Board and Residence, miU lady going huasincs. priv.

fam. 163 Grafton-t, Bondi Junction At'ANCIKS tor Boardcra or ledgers." homely people, good table. No. I 1 Avenue. Newtown.

TfACANl BOARD and 'Residence; iingle, double Rooms. 3 Mansflcld-st, -1elw Point. Ai' a i-- Hal. I'nf. k'etle.

if. k'ette. g. stove, phone. mill." train, mod.

MO Dowling-st. Moore Park, VACANCIES, suit 1, 3 frienda, early breakfast, near tram, city, and parks, good table, home com- forlji, terms a'. 20 l.een'H-roa'l, Paddington. 1TTANTED, i young Ladies, coinfortaSIe home, Protes- It tant, private family. Ketra, tireennanu-si.

lie. TID0W has fiingle furnished ROOM to Let. Apply reiersnam. B- OAItD and Res. in ref.

by bus. girl. nil, room, Enmore. Stannwre. A.M..

i ork-st P.O. TilSlNESH voung Lauy rcqs. private jf M. i.eonaros io vnaiowi, uim. lOLTLK require Furnished or nlurnibhecl Uouoie.

ROOM. convs. Mrs, nryuie, ro-'. bus. Ladies rcqul 13.

Ladies rcou re unlet. scL Boam -s and tcp. room. Please ring WHta. rcq'drcs Board, Residence, pri.ate fanuly ItandwioK.

whu, iicraia. 4i ENT." i-cq-. "sing. Room, b'fasi or full Itoard, close 1 idveritv or near suburb. 100.

Stnithtleld P.O. I TKNT, rfiquirch well -furnuhed Single Room. 10 mini. VA from Central ilaiiwav mjiiou. o.a., TJ'l Victoria-'-t, Darlinghiirst.

TTABEHFIELD, vidnitv Wattl st. Wanted, 2 W.V). Herald. AX furn. 'ROOMS, ue kit, m.c, r.VNLY Young Business Gt-nt.

wishes Home with 1 refined Prot. famil; lamiiy. nar wmi, wh- F.F1NED vsr. LadT desires Furn. Room, priv.

hort db-unce city. Homely. Randwiok P.O. in Kiiall Pro- J. home, handv city.

Dod. Ilaymarket P.O.. rnWO i.adies require plain" Fur. Double, Room, cheap. ixta: i cony for one, M.

K. G.P.O. NTED by young man, Board and pnv. inni. Brown -ut.

Padd. I close Bondi Junction, T7ANTED, nrh. fa Dnnniriovitc mcalit-r. pri. fam.

TyANTED, Furnished ROOM, single woman, use of 1 1 kitchen. Mto Mount Post-omcc. ANTBD to Rent, small ROOM, at Randwick. 1. Ilami.

TANTED. B. and R-. oriine tnaii, aore. S.

An'dale. H.R.. S. An dale P.O. YiANTED, Board, Tnarrfed counle, quiet West.

tram eub.SLile tcN.eichhardt T. ANTED, near Bankaia, 1 or 2 rooms, kitchen, etc. VV Furnished or Unfurnished. OfliT, Herald Office. TTTANTED.Two"bfightFufn.

Single Rooms cltWe i.i v. Meals optL, use conv. Perm, if suitable; ouiet home Terms. 8382. Herald.

CrbUNG Gent, wants Board. Dulwich Hill or Addison- roVSQ busines lndv requires Single ROOM, lull Board, North Sydney preferred. j(ute terms, uNo. JOHenltL, T1TRALIN RFnESTIAirASS4AT10N iReg A 23 MARTIN-PLACE (nOUSp rWORl, HAS APARTMENTS. BOARD, ITJ SUBURBS, MODERATE TKRMS.



OCEAN HOUSE, 3 MART IN -PLACE. HOLIDAY RESORTS. ITwo Uses (about 14 wordn), 21 Saturdays. IM H' OUSEBOAT, Middle Harbour, 3 roonis. Kitcuen, Let or Sell, eaav terms.

Atnins, iuj i ih-su JENOLAN CAVES MOTOR SERVICE. BECK MAN'S CARS leave Mount Victoria for ths Cares daily, 1.45 p.m. City Bookings N.S.W. TRAVEL AGENCY. Mouse, topc7.

TTATOOMBA. NONPAREIL. Merriwa-si, near Uura AV Falla. 2u7 Kat. Superior Home for tltors.

iTermsfrom 2 2 per wk. Mrs. W. Mawn. Proprietress.

KATOOMBA. LEU A. The Leading Tourist Resorts of the Mountains. All stores open till 9 o'clnrk Saturday night. "ATOOMJJA, "ECHO POINT KIOSK, centre of all AV sights grand views, free uw of dunce hall.

Terms 2 gnu wk. Good table, lovely gardens. 'Bus from station to door. 310 Kat. EURA.Cottage, riuiiII, 1.

s.o. verandah, 10 wk. NUmn reply. 107 Despofntci-sl. Marrlckvllle.

TANVELL PARK. -To Let, or for Sale. Furn. comf. 4-ronm,, op.

I. room on. beach. City 3S03. fS PRI NO WOOD.

Cottage, near no sick (iaskell. 11 RUffh-st. eitv. R2041 CJTANWKLI PARK. Sauth Coast.

HILLCRhT, lac- (nn Ocean Beach, near station. Accommodation for Victors. I I Man. i'irJir. The Entrance, Superior Accotn.

good flihing, boating. Mrs. larke. T. Ent 14.

1 nrENTWORTTI nlcs'X VV. position. McKeni, 17 Redansu Mosman. Y129U. WOY WOY.

Nicely Furnished Bungalfiw Cottages to i Let, nr. station, roint uiare, every comion ana conv. for 6. bout and hath. Apply F.

DOWNEY, 401-6 Sussex-lit, nr. Goulburn-st. 'Phone. City 2106. TLENBROOK or BLAXLAND.

Small tdult family 'VJ want Kurniauea i.ottage, long term, no sicaness, Terms to W.L.. Olenbrook. SPRINGWOOD or BOW KAL. Wanted, Furn. Room, and convs.

Particulars, No. 8386, Herald. ANTED, Fur. ROOM, conveniences. Como, wood, one lady.

Hay-market P.O. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. fTwa line (about 14 words). 2i ltmlart. "ft 1 TAON'T PAY BIG PRICES IN TOWN.

WHYPAV xJ MORE for the same maker and quality? Our1 PIANOS nv tatnous msKera sold fully UL'AHANTEED, for 10 yearn ensure LASTING Satisfaction, Expert llifipectton invited. CASH Bargains or terms to suit iuu. nuinnnisAu anrt oua, rorttton, int o.crstrung underdamper model; Knird, CREMONA Piano, t-endon. Just landed, unsurpassed (or tone; Btnle, imparted action; Renardl, Berlin: Hummel, Berlin; CARL WAGNER. Paling nnd Karl Hlller, Berlin.

Ilapsbnrg, Dresden, Sf HWECTF.N, Stelner. BLUTHNER, Pnt-tice Planes from 2i cadi. Open till 0.i p.m. Fridara. 10 mlnutea frvrrn town, C.

WINKWORTH and SON. 160 Panama tta-road, ''ffnLS1 Section. ANN AND ALB. i CASnOR TPRMS, ib DP.POS1T, WERK. Far-ajghted busmen eons lata In selling Pianos which fire lifelong satlsftetlrm la an drerlfaemsnr.

a recommendation, and yet nsarf not he sold with a lanre profit. Inapect and compare ovr rfesl (cash er terma) with other shcraj run under hasr weeklv etpenas. Our low wcftklf rental, (he small protit, the collector, middleman, agerd, e-nnsstr net empteyed, ad so enm. mMons Is Che reason we sell cheaper. Af-TAKORR OORKirS PIAWO DKPOT, jRflyal ie.

Qorsrs-st to Angus and 4fwte). 1 TT7ANTP.D. iron frame nana, tamediatcly, ftudara TT maker if roaMhle. Tetflfceri. LLM1.

Teiei 't3XANr far SAI. as rnndlttoti, cr- fumola, nttt, 2. tl aUri-i-tt, faMchhsfiH. ri'IIE A A A LP 2 TOR, lion a the An Disc hrin or tyour 1 THE A Bb, 40; 4 In, 13 Carl VJi 1 A A3 A. TV 1J I HI 11 floar.

iroom I'-'l'A, Pitl-strcct, BAY, Hi Kurraba roid. 1 Minute from 7 BoaU-CIIVRMING I'NFURNLSHKD I I AT, con and 'all modern appointment. l'nsne i ended. KAIiLtorllXD, 71 Dajllitfhur.l-nj. Single a IIU'lll.

CU'OxfoKl nfTlVooHaliru. (ailfijr Centennial Park. Fiiniithed lUl'ony Wmt, nuit MC. or i Friendi. 8flc.

Ba. ROOK, two Double ROOM. AT 76 Ite-li-rriKl, Rcdfern.Hinjla and Double FuriT. Rooms to Ltt, with priit-i Ikjmlv AT it Vu'tV'v, Ceiitiniiiiil Front Ground-floor I LAT, k'etle. FRONT fin 11.

ROOM, milt m.r. or virl friend, ui! Bridse-rd, Glebc. id or DarllnKlmrht," Double," alto fi'lnjle Room, with gith and riny. It. ill I com.

A 410 PARK RD. Well furnished Double ROOM. a orrakiaJit opiionai. VT Foibes-Ml, Darlinebunit, nr. Willlanvit, from He.l Jsittinir ROOM fa) otlia i l' Belmnre-roa-r.

Lare lt)fM arnt for two young men to hbarc. Tiring moderate. Mrj. TKURV VMCK BalroiiV" ROOM and kilHienette, all reaufre-m-nU k.ipplil if I'tiildreii not objected. 0 "efc" iiret-l.

Wnollahra. 4 ILANCOI RT, aw Pt. rd, 1 min. tram ter-A. niino.

Va'mnilea (or ronm. or Mould In half furnuhed Hoie jidult lam. M1907, Mrtl 75 Polta Point. Double Ground floor Bedroom and Sii'slu Room, Hoard jiinl Reiidenr': William A (Hi ANIIOI.W1-'.. MOSMAN W11AR1.

Firni-ulajis ArcommodaUon lor iai tort and Ter- rnfinTita. EXGKl JKN criSiXK. BIL1IARDH. 'Phone. TIBaS.

A KILEAIfA, Wychwood, Marian -it, near Golf I.iiika and station. -Tenm. auerior bible, VACANtlW. J1SL Mla L. 1IAMRLEDON.

AT THE ORIKNTAL. KINU'S CHOSS. riARLlNOIIL'RST. Ritfht at Willlsm-street aection. First-rlaa Botrrilnff MUblisbment, excellent Uble, roof garden.

Popular TKitora. 'r'tione. bio Wliaam. BALCONY ROOM, iell furnished, kitchenette, ktove. 322 Park-rd, Paddinjrton.

TJDRWOOD.Furn. B'room, use of kitchen ui. 11., jieattuicui, jonqor-at. KOARD and suit working men, mod. Glehroy, Vfl MiJLiiulav.riL Ktanrnoro.

IJUAIiSIDK, B. and double imi. uim mnnic nnonis. VII, BALCONY ROOM, will ea ptltormry tcnijsniotl. 'Jba Riley-rt, near Albion-aL BOARD and 1 or handy Petonbam.

Stanm. aw Albanv-rd. Pet. Board and Rekideuc for til Bondl-H, opp. School of Arts.

and RESIDLN'f'E. VACANCH.S. Mm. II. Cluton, 1WA Albion-st, DnrlinRhurst.

1JAU.ONY Bed.hittins Koonir turn. 0.1k, kit'etfo, 143 Albign-gt, next IJALMALV. 4' Corc-t 'atancy for Haicony Room. facftiB water batlu, every conv. lJUMTTfN(i ROOM, one one all tJ ronv-i.

Qucen ht, Newtown, 3 stops Grace Bros. JOVDI RELLEVI HILL. -BOARD and REM Kt; LAI. 111 1 1.1,1 i iirniJi'-'U htfiRic KOOU, with ton- Kdffe 1360. TOARD and vacancies (or Men, ttftni jbf--j'Lnt'VrVtc- Clevebind-Bt.

opp. Park. Fum. ROOM, e. b.b., verier.

JJOARD and Rwid'ence. (rood hot bath, early AlD10n-sl. IOND Piirnfslied and Unfurnished ROOMS, i-oardopi. Waverlev Hou, Waverley-cresceut. JON ill.

oinfortible Rooms vacant, board optional. V'IWhv. UM. 00 Danlmm-iit, Bondi. 10NDI.

Well-furnhhed Front "itOOM'near tranfand i-iniiy. i-t i-amrocK-avcnu. J30.MJI.W fLTOX, Roscoe-Et. Board and Heaidence, oMiic 41111 uuimtc uooms. av.

1'JOXDI. fnurrtT (rontdbl. ROOM, liiht. GrMr.XlhHrk-at, flondl Ntii. EON Of.

D. Furn. Room, Board" optlona'l, suit M.C. Kiirwa. iU Wfllminonst IAlONV BrlD SITTING ROOM, all comenlcnccs, lot b.ith.

'i. ioitr baiik-sirtet, Durlii.Bhum. HKD and I(pfdnrp. icfiticd family, for superior sunn nooie, 1 mm. win.

mm. I ram, Apply Herald Office. BOARD, Rjfirlctim for tuo I'lii'iineia sirN, ainjle rooms, every ton baih-heater, Ci' each. 1 on-sirefi, rirrrjinani, on ma I -road. 4LI ENNIAL PARK, "ii Park'rd.

-Dbl. Bal. Bed I.VIENNIAL PARK. 51 Parkrd. -Dbl.

Bal all renv. Mi' did. anri Apartmni5. water's r. Carlton.

Nptnng-att opp. Baths 'vJ. Apply. hop. Rilcy-sl.

hurry HilU. ijooij lioan. lurn, I(oii, ViaU. Oot- iffo. it.

4 utack, est. Termmiw, Furn. up. Balcony rtoom. opp.

Hyde Park, 1fTY. well furni abed front BeJ- itr rooni: aisn Hakotiy It 00m. Kltchenn icy. 11. KAN Single Front Room, quiet home, central, Of i'jiimT-M.

Wiltiam-st. MTY, 87 Pliillip-t. Furnished Double Room, oTiverm-iirp. i'hone. WSHol.

i'n rcf. home. fum. db'i-. use ureaci.

opt. 4 urcnarj-L. ri(TY. Graytliorpc, 4i El izaocth-st. Single" Furnlkhcd vacant, not rain, piione.

larc urlfum. elrc. Ikrht. moL nice neonlc. Valenor.

Dnvoti5h)rt jf llTY. 47 Phillip st. Wellifurn. Dblc Bal iiooiii. uooni, gcni.

VJOGEL. U.iron.i'f ouil, Kurrawa-aienue. lli'li-clflst Hounllnff Eritalilislimciit. New house and fiiin'-hirig-, ebctric light, hot and cold bath, extcn-hiie rof promenade, gloriou.1 views ol ocean, ideal pe.sirion, I inin. from s.uf, tram, Vacaueics.

Rand. T.BLU. Furn. Rooms, k'ete, conm- ga.i slovc, 20 1 OUBLE and Single Bale. ROOMS, clea Xr ti.P.O.

Hi Carriicton-it, Wynyard-Ml clean, '1 mins. ynyard-square. TkOUBI.E laic. ROOM, alo 1 suit friends. i J7 Parramatta-rd, Gleic, stops pastGrace Bm.

URST, 1 41 A Vietoria-st Double and "Single ga.i ring, n.o. MtLINGHURST. 109 Victoria-at. Dbl. Bal.

Room. kit'ett, si'. Double Room Sgt. Room, ri vARLLNGIiURST. Sup.

BOARD, double room, butt M. C. or friends Ch. Wm. 407.

VHURST. Wookott-Jt. Large Double, well-furn. Bnti-nny Room vacant, kit ette. 1 Cniiuend Newly.

mm. Mueie anu uouoie Itoonn. ev. 'niione. 7 iTRMN01IURST.

l6 Ylctorta-sL Ain Bedrooms, Cttcs, liol Paths, near illiatn-st. Exccp. clean. IH.RST. ui Womerah-av.

Urge Hal. B. and s. Rooms, gas Move. c.L; Single Rooms Win.

1412. D'lfl ItiT. Liverpool -at close D'hurst-rd). Single Rem, ga rintr: also Room, 'J hed. -I-arzr Helot.

and CiiH, nicely fum. Howling-st. near Oxford -it 1 MtLINGHURST. Room, suit bus couple, alao one, nuit friei.rlj, 2beds. ARl.iNCIML'KhT.

Fumislied front Double ROOM, ele-. light and bus. Apply Bourke-sf. 'HURST, Rooms 1 I'lIURST. IP Largo double and single elec, light, hot water.

Wm. 4H2. Onpll-sl. Well-furn, liUiront- Room xJ and llcrl Sitting Room. Phone, Win.

424. 1 ini.lNilll RST, 2D Roi.lyn-t. Furn. Double Room, 'convenience; also Single Rcom. Tel.

Bed -Sitting Room, Willlam-st. new ll. lotfns pert, order, eon. 28 CKr-nl, nr. Sumi-illc DARLINGHURST, 13 Womcrah-a fum.

I.ilconv ROOM, nbo doublo Room vacant, convs. DAINTILY Flirt ininiitc tram. double Bedroom, even 147 Wigram-rd. Forest Lodge. DOUBLE and Single ROOMS, diiigtoti.

near West-sL 33 Oxford-st, Pad- Roslyn-st. Nice dble. Room i conveniences. vacant, "-as ring. ences.

suit ma tried counle or business irirls. 126 Ramsay-road, Haberfleld, 3 doors Jrom Alt-street. DOUBLE Furnished Bed-slttlng ROOM, overlooking park, 22': unother. with k'cttji 17, ev. found; Single, from 7.

48 Oxford-it. opp. Centennial Park. T-fcAl: LING HURST. 146 XJ a Fine Old Home, just renovated, and fitted up as BED-SITTING ROOMS, single and double, with cooking conveniences, i.orn room is neautuuny iiimisaea in tuc most modem style.

Rents 23 to 210 p.w. Only tenants need apply. Board and Residence, suit tradesman, hoft hot batli. Marlan-st. 2 Rooms, dining and bedroom, us? kiL, priv.

home. Mitt m. couple. 160 Doncaster-av. Kens' ton I.1RONT D.

Furnished ROOM, gas ring. 318 Bourkc Darlinghurst. large britrlit Bale ev. found, 1 Bed-sitting ROOM. 4 mini.

AsfiTtetri, i BURNISHED or Unfurnished Front ROOM, for elderly or lady, Ronevtew. lloTnebush. jTURNISIIEb balcony ROOM lo Let. huit 2 gkla going to bm-incM. ii'7 Wilcor-st, Newtown.

Til I Bal. ROOM, also ROOM, suit 2 friends, every er-riv. Fltrrny-st, M. park. 17CRNrVeraridiilt Rot'm at ChaLwood re-id.

by" Lady, pnrtly Bonrd. Purs, to Herald Ofllce. IORE6T LDG. l.g. well-fiir.

Red-aitt. Room, "idL. 1 siove, I section. Hay view Flaw. fttWlgrmm-rd FURNISHED ROOMSDouble and Single to Ut.

clean nnd -omforth1e. l. Oatley-rd. Paddtnginn. i tlJRNTSllKD, ROOMsT select, quiet, ail "eon.

Rent US Ocean -st, Wootlahm. TpOREST dflinSle'haleflnv Brd-Siittlng x. Ktiow, Mtcnenene. iis iter; TJIURNISHED! Double Room vacaitt, 114 Tlereford-st. 166.

12 Klnptu- 1. hi. nr, station, PURNISHP.D Single ROOM, vacant, at OS Queen it, front ROOM, downstairs, suit railway 1 or tramwav man. private family, 10 per week. 2T Hose-street, intrnngron, near uiereiano-sireei.

Bed-titting Room, suit business ladles or X' gentlemen, errrv comfort, ureuker, tJl.lSUELL FLATS. Stanley-lit, off College-et. HYPE PARK. G'LEBE PTi Urge double ROOM, use dtn. rin.f jraa stoye, conr.

Dunoon. Toxteth-rd, riLEBE POINT-RD. 812. Rooms Meant. "I LEBE POINT-RD, Furnished double Bed-81'l, -T ROOM, Mt'ette, every possible convenience; mod.

Gl.I.lif. I -ill', an, near iiunour. lumu. Room, k'ette. gas linen, hot b.

MHW. IT. Furn. bale. ROOM, kit ell elec.

light, VI gii gis ntove, water alnk. 2flWlgrim-rd. I ENT. offered Single Room, breakfast, el, light, bath, clrse tram. 37 CtathsrinrjstUlcmiardt, GLEBE POINT, vncanc lei fr Gentleman permanent Boarders.

Applyjt llenst, KPA'SINGTON. NicelV-fur. RafniOOii, nnlfonal. 102 Todmin-avc. ENSrNGTON PurnT Sgle.

gas ring, also Ige. Dble. Unf. Room. Til honcasterjir.

KEN SI NGTON. Unf ur Pr. S.CTflat; fl.ver., eT), Power, Crown-st. tram. 102To4man-aT.

AVRN'DKR BAY. 43eoTrs-st. l-ge. Pur. Dble.

n. Ma 4 aitt, h. hi Singto Pur. ARGfl Purnlshed Rnomt, Wfettr. 128 Fllndtrnt, 1J Darllngjiurst.

Hull; or 1 "AROP. kttVtt, ms'ritm tram, QlenvteW'St off Brownt Pddlrutrm. 1ARGPJ nnfrtrr i. KCWMfl toTurt, cVrnrs, eonif, Hiunhiirv HsJI, opp. Temps School Hydenhatn.

pri. hTr'ffL bds. Miit frlrnds nthtw. terms mod. WaRterjit ffTVFnBR Pun.

k'ettea, e. 1., med.U Wslhsr-st 1ARCIR airy fjnKraWHiROflM, with coBrWitene cewr tram, seettoa. Bafiwitsw -Biajsi'illff. vtth refins! family. BW4, Ifenld.

win ior oik itiiiniiimv. io.woii urriron, jr. 4 11. W. 4 AIMt Mt PaMnim.

and noitce vKtc ienm and 1.1 city; J73 Military- roi'd. Mo; jnd at rcmonie Wharf. I and of health -Ji-Kav Kti: elf -contained L'ni. fit: I ti I.uodon-t, HjIT. 2 roerr.

ele-t. lignt, bathheater; three Fum. KOO'l. I VAL'GitaE.

Witcr-fryntage, Lnfurn, I room, ef. et. 1. airt IAV arij Cro-t. D- I.tde 1LC.UAH FLATS.

l.n.ui Wiii Fi.rn, Hais to lie-, position, from fir CUARLW AIv, ii nizai IT POtts FLAT, i li bi-'r .1 living ard lounge kitchen, a niflMBl, hot water tcp. ice, telephone, ui re. I.NCE G1DDINGS. Pitt-isreet. I FLT.

furn. ojk, 5 rooms, bciroom. and dining, I hot bath, 1 I a't per imii-ircd: In and jin Piping. Tups, Tubs Sinks. BOft lengths Ridzecunping uud iutti-r ing.

new, 2 per length; 00 Panel and Ledge Doors, Door. pairs CaKcmentw. 40 Sashes nnd Lend lights I Handsoinu- Boxframc and Sadies r00 theett Iron, to lb equal to new. 412A Pitt-slrct. iear People's Ptiliice.

SEwDiO MACHINE bLTERS. sTTENTIOn" We are Sole Agent for the Famous all-British "JONES" SEWING MACHINES, of chenter, Enshind. Made I now landing, (ash or Terms. From 010. Old machines taken as part payment.

We also slock Second -hand SINGER. WHITE. NEW HOME, Ft from 3. PIN NOCK SEWlMi MACUINE 4 Q.V. MarkeW.

Doors frimi Market nrt. VyiCKS, M'DONALD. and 4 jiuay -street, rear Orchard's, Jewellers 4'entral Rallwav-iiinam. carry the 1 o( New and Second-hand COUNTERS, SHOWC SE9. Minwj.

RefreMhniet.t Room Table. ERS11AM. -I nt rn. Flu, tar-- rr-onih, all con-1 1 en Sent -j. m.

27... 7o Albert -st. u. Fir" stn' E1 F.RsHAMrNewli Funi. bus.

pie. tiwx. 1 none. rei. i'.

JJOITS PT. FLAT. 2 1ii linen, cutlery, e.L: alio liflO.II, ttMinge it required. TANDU Centennial P.irV:. SEI Dnrley-nl.

Fur- I nhhed I' LAT, kitchenette. Raiid. 1 109 ANDWICK, CWe Tram MDDERN FLAT, wall mtiurnisned. 2 MeaiH-aveni Xi cp tram. Wdl-furnblied FLT.

hi Wcll-fumlM FLT. larsc Iflroum, i. uenir.orc-roail. Hill, tram stops at' ADWiK. iialk-iih.

Fraii-i-t, I min. In min It flu: I lii ing-room, kitchen, pantry, laundry, pri1 'iiir-aie i mm, FLAT. rKLIXABETlf BAY. i is-- groun-ls. ao'i veranian, icrms mi f.C.

IHT. I ins-room. Udrooniv w'ii'iir ri Tl lt "llV S. tjneaU errlifi a (Jjt if Wm. 1 li ing-rooin.

double liedrooms, Iwlcony. bath AIILNMY I LAT. 'v, cutlery, weekly, approved tciu uNlSHr.D S.C. FLAT, liv nr-room. bed- 3 ent I l-U, i.o.peii 'r, nr.

'fj. or. Tp. FLATS. DAELINGIH HirT-ROAD lb, til Churctil.

IAIGE, 4-cyllnder, i-rveater. electric lighlfng and 'iiung( not-vn magneto, tn carburetter, btreamlinc torpedo body illi Folid leather upliolsturv, one-man hood, shield, five detachable riiim. in fir-'t- class ofder, looris like a new car. Same guarantee yflS ft "CW tar WW' Also Yarong and William streets-, below Museum. HUDSON' BIG SIX, 0-cylinder.

atremnline torpedo! body, cne-man hood mid thicM. Ave I 1'gntmg and ttarttng outfit. 1-uiuUfuliy cir, only run a few tbou and miles. i0. PAIGE, Yurong and William street Museum.

"YfiTOIELL, 0-cylirder, streamline "todr. light model, clettric lighting and btarting, magneto ig-nition, mechanical tyre pump, new one-man hood end shield, five detachable rims complete. In llrst-clu-N order in-idc and out. Car that has been well cared for. nub.

1'AICE. Viuong and William reels, below Museum. 13 AM It, light o--aler, itreamlme bodv upbol-aiered in leather, new hood, detachable rims, new tyres. One of the lest French cars. PAIGB, and William streets, below Museum.

"pALMER CORD TYRES GIVE A- MORE SATISFACTION. The rcMlirnrv of Pslmer Cord Ttcs increases vour comfort when motoring, and their dep-ndahilitv brings you peace of mind. Thdr cord foundation, on which tlieir Jieavy treads arc built. rt'spouaible; it makes them strum -misting and durable. THE SILVERTOWN RUBBER 270 George-nrccl.

SYDNEY. TERMS TO CAR BUYERS. XJ 1 WILL SELL THE FOLLOWING CRS to any Person th3t has to oiler withouL any deposit. Payment from IVji i-t P.VIGE Touring Car, I It It; LIGHTS, SELF-STARTER, fust-tdasa order, nt-w Tvres, SUNBEAM Touring CAR, fliYl-clasi order, new set Tyres, 400. GOLDSTEIN.

FINANCIER. T-77 RaOiuil strrL't. Sydney. 'Phone. CRr IPSO.

TYRE Bargains, HARPER IIROS. TyrcB7rgaTni New Dunlop Tyres, 815 105, New Perdriau Tjres, 28 Red walls. New Perdriau T.ireH, flti 2I0'C. New Boomerang Ti res, 610 ftO, i-'i i'i. New Michelin Tvre.

fc7i 105. New Bloek Baml Tires, SO 3'. Cllo.1. New Cooderich Tyres, .1. safety 4 10'.

Prote-tcrs, Gaiiers. and Liners iilwavs in ftrclc. JjARrEH 66 Wem'worlh-a venue. U'SKfl CAR BAIROOMS. I SED t'AIt SALKRUOUS, LSLD CAR SALEROOMS.

109 r.ldZAUKT ll-STREET, next PhiaiL-kcrley's. SEE AUCTION COLUMN for dcUils of Curs. ATTEND SALE TO-DAY, AT 2 P.M. GLASSFOKD and WAI.COT. Tel.

City 61 jjO Eilzal-etli-street. fOTOll CTCLES. Call in and sec Seccnd-hand Machine, with a at bargain price; or write twn nur anu wiinout Sine lor our nriCA lUr. hm- limi, titr iuiliuii, uixj wnucn guar- miiw ior inoiTiii DUMBBELL, SMITH, and HAYES.

64 Went worth Avenue. ILECTRIC CAR, with romplete self-charging plant, to be sold for beat offer owing to ownert. leaving for tlie country. renect condition throughout. costs practically nothing to run.

For full particulars inidv No. 6 Univerfiitv-cliamheris PhilHji-Ftreet. VYTHXIAMS 'Lt'do are sole Importers of DOL'O. LAS, A.J.S., and WaraUh-Villierp, British-built Motor Cycles; also Cleveland and I.xccior American Motor Cycles, latest models. Cah or terms Call in our Showrooms, 213-15-17 Elizabeth-street, Sidney.

Phone, City Stn (a lines). Open Frida.vniphts. SACRIFICE, Empire SO, Slngle-Rcater. Aiint. I) body, any trial, 65.

Cycle Workts, Crcmorne June. (1HANDLF.R. latent m'odeT. must sell immediately! first eaihh offer: owner leaving State. M.To'War.

BIDEN and ROBERTS, Sydney. Ceh-tral Railway. Indian Service Station. 10NT1NENTAL Itala Car," Itosch dicap. ri.

dark son. Sproule-st. Lakcmha. IINPLAY'S Special Motor Metals' tor Motor Car Bearings, as ucd by TO per cent, of the British Car Builders. Wholesale Distributors.

J. B. WALLIS. LIMITED, Challis IT, se. Rvdner.

ADVANCES made against Motor Csrs, Motor Lorries (without poet-ion, from FIFTY POUNDS TO ANY AMOUNT, at lowest Rales ot InteresL .1. GOLDSTEIN, Financier, 137 Bathurat-street. Sidney. PALM MOTOR CARS. PALM MOTOR CARS.

Urge Discount for first Car told in each district. Agents wanted throuchout N.S.W. PRICES. to 405. TURNER BR OA.

HP- George-M roct. Srdne-. BRING YOUR MOTOR CYCLE OR SIDE CAR COMBINATION TO US. We will pay you Spot Oash, but your price must be right. iuh.m.k L'm ueorge.t treet.

Sydney. PLATINUM POINTS ior Magnetos, beat quality. Our points have a tluok contact of Platinum, and wilt ibst. muuui umi aj Magneto pet-uusts. 'Phones; ('My 1740, 1741.


A. LYONS. B4017. IAKS WANTED. t'ORp CARS, SINGLE and DOUBLE 8EATERS, BRADLEY lAUlTKn, Weol orut-arcmie, Sydney.

IpORD Speolal Motor Tito," new Red Wi'llsl nii? nlecd, price a barmln. Oilier tlr. Si? fbeap. GRIEIISOK'S, 107 Uoorie-itroct North. I WMMKRCIAL alio 5 Matir Rnilr, Rood -iiuvi, me 101, nnuuj a UAtuUb, Ullar- Ins Cro-.

Wav. OSX txEiMOR. very One Solo maebine, In lst-clani ongmai nTesr anp. near. 75.

City rrunts. To new 121), Non skid, cost "liLpjter; Mrs. Crocker. 117 Cowper-st, Rand. rpiHES, .11 iirrs; Pluss, nt'liait price; Kcro.

AROPLASK hoiurni, Au.tln (BIr S.S.), (or Sale, arx nrmer. apeed. nase. Ifll Onay-st. IORP CAR muitod, rlouble-Marcr, tnuat at.nd initpeo.

tlon. nrlc tral in vira. rlanmit kim Inslalments. aoun0NL a Cburch-Klrcel, 'wurerlev. "D1CVCT.E Barnjln.S.

3IRl 015 1(0 rbeap. lie Kcbooljn r.dd nilon. X' Oil the Mr. Term. .1.

w. I.M 7JJZ2! JIL k.r A. oraer and condition, --t notbln belter on (he road. trial, 00 1-1110, .1, W. ninilEN, Smperdo'-n.

mOUBINO Car. 16-a) dettch. oler. WAITARA. 'ukHlSS Aiiiiniimn iAmiui w-ii.

mvne-s iCKVlllf I 7TJiuJ." BKW guar, B75-816 10S. 2101 28 3, oa' Geonre-it 4 INDIAN, electric, late model, bafgaiHTtV must L.selLjoarrickvlHe:ril, bulwich 1II1L giioranteed 1st -clam mirH i nn mn scut 8, any; trial, absoUitJiargain(200. 8388, Heralil TJUtCK, i.ft seater, elec. HghL selfWrtfrr onc-nigb Huuu unit! IWlitl. Rtwrn 7, Grntind Floor, 12 Coal) crcitgh -street.

1K0.To,irlng Model, any examination and nr uma in town. B. POLLTON, SS Pitt slrect, ThP, I.UXF, FORD. fl.S., 26-33 m. lo cost ff give any iriilt bargain, 300.

TUB CLIFFS. Wctorid-tt, Antehffe. 'Phone. Kon IIOO. ORP.AT PALP, 0eTrtorh'nehuilt Blkes-'SpeedwelK Carbines, 6, 7, 8.

9. Bast Mlue In Don't mtai bargs. 40 Ptrk-st Opt.n uil TyrasL utml pr -WrPrtas 7lt; Tttbew. ParAt. 1 Aft OB b.1l nsndlahira, Pedala, fiiw.

WMt etc, as, prlem Haderarma, 40 Park-it. iwinetojifftFTlitwtt Tyr-, anl. W. Tubes sm. 40 PiA ai riRBAT RedncUoB.

Ocranln Trrea 16, TTibm iep tigroid zq. TubTL Henderwrn, 4ftPsrV-at I ywr toienjjZl awy. tm. tn. Parkt oe ma-woM), asri FURNISHED FLAT, li li.rge roo-int, kitchen, bath Chairs, Soda Fountains.

Pliitcglai Mielves. Window Fit ungs ain nave l((u a nous Kir.cs ami makes, nnyera will d. well to inspect. JARGE Quantities of HARNESS, SOLE, and SCRAP t.E M'HER. Harnes.4 or Sole cut us required.

LEATHER milable for every purpone. MNGROVTU BELTING, LIMITED, diaries Ludowicl, Managing Director, 40 York -street, Wymard-quarp. Sidney. 1ASH New nnd Second-hand. Cash or EiiM- Terms.

F'rom 0 Weekly. CASH REGISTERS FROM 20. CMP1IAM ami Frccman'a-chiiinbcrs 311 George' HI doora from Hiintcr-at (towanls G.P.O.). 1(300fs, SHOES. ladies' I louse ChH-T- A3 ren'a Soft Shoes.

1U another ahlnment jLudics' nigg*r Brown 32 '0 the latent shape. prices down Uiat't us ABADEE'S. Che.ip Shoe ro'm, und Inrge balcony. bal- Apply No. fl LAT. Wm. -Jin, FUR-1 TpVn'dwiCK. min. Allijti-nl.

S.C. FLAT, nvd. building. be-lrom. and f.

bab omen. el. lignt. g. htoie.

b-h alcr, nidiat-tots etc. I'ninrn. FLA ga.1 ove, nlc-. 1.. c.itl"i 1 tvr week: also ntnullor FLA1S.

tmi awl Glebe reads. GIrbe Point. M-DIU. IT UILSON'S POINT. ui Winnies from ti.P.O.

r.iB3, large Miciiftnn, ijaUiroo-t und pa. 1 i-io 7 KISG'S LYNN Camnl-e SI. KJCHAKIaS. III. NTFIt.SfTIIKPr 1 IKiOR Mtnu Mtc.

KCEPTlONMaLY FLAT. 1 MVrNf; AND 2 BED ROOM'S HOT WATER SKRVll E. LIFT. mJtm mm 'ct. roo-cs anl k'ette, w.

-i. nr nnn Itand. 1670. 23 A RjndwicK. Lnfiifn.

Flat. 3 1.. p.w.; untur. use xi 2 iinlurn. use kit 3 furn.

Emu. FOWLER an! SON. H.SlAb JIAU IIUH.M-.. i mm- Twin and Tram. iLOOXY llat vaeanl, umumislied.

P2 Haytwat er- "i.n. hnmV" bri-rht biz a.o, M. Rtnheutter Bay. uil conveniences. Taatefulh Ff-AT.

three beilrooiiis, living-! Furnished, 10' week. room, balcony, lin-n. rutlery, 3 minute I n. W. HORNING and 80 Mirtin-place.

Dona Roma. Iaimrock -avenue. nwiv'fiirnkheii. terma" moderate. i.eorge-n.

i.ii aim opp. ionn nan, TO CANVASSERS and the TRADE. Bm Blouses and Underclothing from tho Manufacturer direct. Storks alwuys on hand. Crepe de Chine Blouses nil 116; Hand-embroidered Georgettes, 100; Voile.

Organdl, and Muslin Blouses. iV. The Exclusive Lingerie 142 King-street, Ut Floor. BARGAINS at North Sydney! White Calico. GOfn, Pii.

lUd. 13; irnb. Sheeting, 20; Wh. Twill, 29; Cream Serge, Min, 911; Amcr. Cotton Serg, 1 'S; Ijadies Blk.

Hotie. 1. K. E. Evans 1S2 Ernest-st.

fSplr-i'relty New S.C. COTTAGE" large w'eht-st'. Darlliiitjuint. a nne ver- Dneater, pn- rpo Furn. Flats, Wedyn Gardens.

33'; fw "dnn. tram and sun. wk. 'f-vi Neutral Bar. Unfurn.

Hat. MA4J AMAHA and fc2 PItt-st. BCoOT. nVr MS'. PDoiicalL 12 C'reagh-sU ONE OP Tim CHOICEST POSITIONS.

j'v jjFI "RN.t" lialf supr. Flit, dining share 0L0BR TO BEACH AND AT TRAMS. M. T.TS, eunding in laid ou ut lull. 4 rooms, bathroom, porcelain 1 NFLRNlSHED, at el-e light and gas.

gas stove. use of, I 2 "enr-. by, balcony. Venetian blinds, and linen roller nuIcrn tint building, vj trhen. I ut 4.

device; overlooking ooiiuine-. Iiuret Heights, beautiful bath, phone. In err possible conv. and b.hoiir.vjvinff garden; very low to approved tenant. Apply Manageress, Hat 2, I Djllinstnn Hall.

30-32 Woolcott -street, TAYEttLKY. Sup. nir. FUt. sep.

g. rtl. exc, i wm. OH all wifiroWh. QUIT P.


.1 orlnlto T'' -i ii 1,1 ii Motor. Swan-neck Tone-arm und Aluminium r.r "S.iUci your worst, scratchiest record in, mid we 'if our! Jbpejker scinpes. Allow aj) vour present machines 1 THE RECORD EXCHANGE, Basem*nt, Ocean House, PA -RECORDS. RECORDS, RECORDS. The 'Pick "of ouri -w pesi ana mat eoit.etning tor tid.

Allow on all prej-ent Diw Records regardless of make or order. RECORD EXCHANGE, Basem*nt. Ocean Hou.c, Slfartin placc. OPEN TILL P.M. iji-iw rmy rer uenr.

4'neaper man Eliicuiicrc. All Instruoietit* Guarantec1. Stock includes the World's Bet UakeN. at tirlr.e from 50. BRAY'S, The Noted Good Value Piano and Music Stores, AMERICAN Portable ORGAN, suit Mission, Banjo Mandolin, 70; Guitars 296: Bunjos.

10; Htcw rt, 4V; Mandolins 4.V; -Ukuleles, ia, Bwson claw X7, lij Edison Phonographs, 2 and 4 Gramophones, KdUon Records 2 min. 76, inin. 10 Busy Shop. o04 King-st, Ntii. UPRIGHT GRAND, guaranteed In firbf-w class order and thoroughly bound handsome U'aJ-nut cate, cheap.

Cash or part terms. BARGAIN. yxWaUH. Ji g.v. Marhcls lxt floor (lake tilt 1.

I1STKY OlttJAN, 8 stops good tone. 31. Terms, i Woodn' ORGAN, 10 stops 6 sets reeds, CHEAP. NAYLOR. 20 Q.V.


71 Lierpool-ttrcet, Kent-street. R'lC'H. LlPP and SOHN PIANO, almost new, exquisite tone and touch, others by Victor, Scliicdmaycr, Gom and Kallnmn, etc. Tcnns. C.

RANDALL. 645 George-street, city, JnArcude. doir up George-st from Hvi-rpool-id. INTRIFS CLOSE for KATOOMBA EISTEDDFOD on Scptacmber 14th. 1021.

Write, Secretary. Uox 27, Katoomha, for syllabus. 500 lp.ri.tcs. PIANOS, all makes; also RJ-ncte Pianola, attach-ments, for Sale, from 2S; cash or eay terms. jotinston-street.

Annandale. 1OR Sale, 05, Eng. Oak Piano, Iron-frame, GHbert, Nice tone and case. F.L.P., William-street Poet. office.

REXONOLA, large Floor Model, Cabinet Gramo-1 phone, best grand speaker, nly. new Records given lot 12, a gift. Private, 151J)areyjstJjt. Pct. a.

PIANOLA ROLLS (65 note), from 1 ea. Claviola Rolls, new from 1. Records and Roll Mualc Kxch. (65 and 88 note). Ovl ea.

SHAW and LLOYD, 244 Pitt-fitreet. 1 A SOS of the latest tje. Superb FORSTER. 12.1; WEHAGK, PS; EISEN11ERG, 05; NEWMAN, 8S; TAYLOR, HOLSTEIN, 75. etc.

Pianola Attachment, 6S-note, 33. Cafh or terms. Also 88-note Player Piano, 110 cash. FRANK W. DAVIDGE, 1st floor, Ah-street.

Turn down PalingVlane, off George-street. ONISCH PIANO, Walnut case, perfect in tone and touch. Other models include Rud. lbacb, R. Lipp, Eckc, Collard and Collard, and other celebrate! makes, CVh or terms.

Do not fail to inspect. MAX WURCKER, 99-101 York-Mreet, Sydney, near Lassetter's. PLAYER PIANOS at great I reduced prices. Inspect our Block before deciding. MAX WURCKER, 90-101 Sydney, near STECK Cotha Player'PUno, Bench and 83-notc rolls', lierntan Mignon Piano, almost new.

Bargains. Insp. invited. Ut Floor. 731 Georgc-st.

Open till 9jUn. VIOLfN, very old, good tone (Stabler), Case nnd Bow. 15 bargain. 21.1 Klng-ft. Newtown.

LRttM. TTAOR SALK. PIANO." German (Albert Fahr), "bought 1 Byron -ut. off Bay- Croydon. GRAMOPHONE and Records, perfect, 00.

Lady. Darley-sl, near St. Pctcrw button. TEARLY-NEW German Krausa Piano, walnut, iron-JLl 6J MarricWUIc. GERMAN Upright Grand Piano, excel, tone," good 80, or offer.

CO Redfern. TfOH SALK," VIOLIN, flue" lone, may be seen at aianrty i 4eorgest. QPLENDID BORD PIANO, 20: thll is a Bargain. lib Foveaux-st, city, opp. railway.

TJ1C1I. LIPP PIANO, fine Instrument, musician, take cheaper Piano part o'clock. 15 Norton-street. Lelchhs; take cheaper Piano part payi i Norton-street LelchhardL TlAMNO PIANO, atilt good -l-KAMNO PIANO, auit rraod nl layer, very cheap. Wllga, Llandaff st.

Bondi Juoctloo. Lyricphones, 5, Patbea, 14ln 'cylinders, 2-4m. exch. 4W Ceorge-st, next Gow's. rABLVET Gramophone, 4ft high, triple spring motor, Records.

Ip-nton Flats, cr. wooluihra, TJI A' OS, German and French make, also Motor J- Bicycle, and Glarsware. 44 Margaret -at, IXTY-FIVE Note Pianolas converted into 88-note for 9. 3.1 Annsnaaie. TTinr.

your PIANO from O'Reilly's, 827 George aa- at, ibv nooT. EV Oak Hornle RexonolaT records and needles. Perfect ourot. cii.v, Z44 Kitt-st. FOR SALE, Steck Piano, in good' condition; alio Pianola, Records.

Kilbride, Rdgecliff-rd, -Tlahra. TjTETJRICH Upright Grand, splendid cond. 79. Im. moo late tmie.

iiing r.pping. RAPID Vloltn method, very easy for beginners. Ds-monilrstlnns dally. Manby's, 7SI George-st. T10LINS altered to Manby system, rapid, easy.

Teachers retommended. 31 ceorge-st, opp. Sin. RECORDS, SotiAs Dance, elc, 10 nnd 12 inch, lft'l Sat, only. ONIHCH, good order, full tone, cheap.

11 Valker iff Glenmorc-rd, Rushcutter Ba; EALTirUL Troii-fTame PIANO, perfect order, equal new. Offer wanted. 21 Renwlck-st, SI ANO. LAFF'AnOUK." firert American, upright grand, Roie-woud. nrael.

neT. full rich (enr. Owner leaving. No dealers. Bsrgain.

Herald. WANTED. Marine Steam Winch. 12in. nr nearest, and oil-driven Hoist, suitable for pile- men, neraio vunce.

ADY want IronlrarasnPlANA) iv. ar nun rnaxc. Cash pries and KaaoL Renwlck-st. fJidt. ASTr.D, 1 1 AJSU, lor chlrdran prartlce.

Mrs. Stuart Wandower, lUrion-st, Lelehhsrdt. p. 9162. WANTBD.

good PUN0, eoah. atSi "tio G.P.O., dry. TTfANTKD, we) Kaeaaoned or old tamframa PIANO. ever iff. years oJd.

Writa at once, eoah price and maker's. Bane to ffTTJDKNT, Oampulsjw PfAO good prtca fimm for tuifiahle TT fnatnrmeqt. Girt makeri nrss arid prteo for apart eras, let tar only, or Thow Oiry jfnv TY. 47 Phlinw. n-f Vt "ANTED.

Fumidied Flat, t.c, clean, NorUi Sydney, GALV. IRON, b'jQ sheets ali Jeugthx. Doors, Mantels. GrntCh, Hardwood, Piping, all claw of 2nd-band Building Material, on rail or boat free. J.

DEV1N Chalineis-il. city, next Dental Hospital. TYPEWRITERS. Prices smashed on all makes, Rem Ingtons Underwoods Royals 3 to 16 All fully g'teed. Sec our display window, 21 EIIiMbetb-st.

TYPEWRITER TRADING CO. TENNIS SllOifS, White" Rubber 46 pair. SILK BRAIDS, Auortcd Colours, 1 vards. SUCKS: Ladies White Canvas. Cuban heels, 86" pair.

COMMERf'IAl. BARGAIN STORES. It Wynyard-lane. "A8CO WEIGHING MACHINES, SCALES, WEIGH-J BRIDGES, all capacities for all classes or goods. Certified Dept.

Weights and Measures, Australian made. Aiiht. Scale 217-tl Thomas-at. Ilaymarket. BERK EL, the World's Beat litvr, four fnodcls, four ources uf supply, Englivb, Dutch, American, or Australian.

TOLEDO. fiERKEL, Limited. (lif IION OO DOORS," Gates" Gril1es. "aii.rFittitigii. FIREPROOF SAFES, all sixes Iteni niiality.

rheuO. til enneiiinrM unm no childten. n4i, lieram no childten. I uro Mtccial to vour iranc, ami snow iuc uricv. advantages of obtaining your Tools from Savage's.


0 to 3-ltt. to i. 0 to ii. HAND DR1L1A 0 to 0 to 0tnG-16. 0tol7-CL 4 9 12 HO i- 24, BALL PKIN HAMMERS, WITH 1.

voi.r. ii lb. 3 AUSTR A I A A 1) SASH CRAMPS, -i Feet, ENGLISH-MADK HEAVY T. BAR SASH KAMPS. 38 0 300 40 4Ltl 42.0 CLARK'S EXTENSION BITS.

putting up CIIENEY'S CLAW UAlOtKItS. WO. lj fiii 69 06 7j 06 It ABO NE' 3 BOXWOOD RLXBS. 3 Feet, No. 1377.

1380. 1U 2.3 26 3 Feet 2,0 2 9 3 36 WOOD MTTRK BOXES, 10 and S. ntm Qtmxnrv. TCi th adeshen. Whatever your trade.

If Tools are required cur service must interest you. Engineers, Carpenters, Painters, Cabinetnuikers, Builders, Gardeners, Bricklayers Plumbers, and men engaged in all other Trades wlU find that Tools purchased from Savage's arc always aepenuaoie nnu uanrijncnu ore available, embracing every rnnUcr of note in the Tool Trade. See Savage fori Value. SAVAGE SAVAt.E SAVAGE FOR T00I5, FOR TOOlfl, FO It TOOIS, O. V.

Market, 417 George slrjet, SYDNEY. BERKMAN'S, Liccn.M;d Pawnbrokers, BERKMAN'S, Remember mir Only Address, Remember, 100-103 WILLIAM-STREET, SYDNEY, Known throughout Australia. Headquarters for Pawnbroker' Bargains. OUR DAILY LIST. Diamond Single-stone Ring, weighs over carat.

An unredeemed pledge. Originally cost double. 10. Tall English Crystal Cut-glass Vase. Diamond and Opal Pendant, exquisite design.

710, Complete Set of Read Pattern Afternoon Tea Spoons, with Cake or Oyster Forks lo match. 16. Sheffield Carving Bet, very good quality, 2 pieces. Single-stone Pearl Ring, very' dainty and anHqut. lfo.

Diamond and Platinum (very dainty) Circle, Brooch. 410. Gent's Solid Gold-cased Keystone Elgin Keyless Runt Ing Watch, equal to new, guaranteed 10 years. 110. Very tnstslvft 18ct.

solid Gold Muff Chain, French make, mmeUMng' very uncommon, weigh 2( ounces. A wonderful bargain. 10. RPR KHAN'S, of WilHam-Mrert. Sydney, RER KM AN' Lfcerned Pawnbrokers Diamond nnd Antique Dealers, 100-1(12 WIlHam-strect, Sydney.


FUR COATS. Latent Importation. 12 only, Rich Black Real Coney Beal Costs wide nnd deep rape, collar, strong feney linen, worth 23 only 1212') Real Htnrk Fnx, full whotc-skln Furs, head. lmi.h, nnd feet, from 35 1 Natural Silver Grey Rabbit Costs, trim-ined dark brown, collar and cuffs worth 1AI.y, only Lsraeal Stocks stid Varieties in Auslrnlmia. Everylblnrr In Pur Line stocked.

DAVIS has It, direct from Trapper and Factory lo you. Reps In and Al terations All vjkins lanneo-, uvea, ami Made Lp. H. DAVIS. FURRIER ONLY, Uoffnung's-ehsmbera, 163 Pitt-street, near O.P.O.

rnone. s. Wardrobe, wTTwi, Sox, Silk Shirts, 14V vT ner. 0 pr. Borda.

aire 5: Drews ftrit. Dinner Suit, Serge fluits, large Trunk, Stetaen mtn, offer wasted for tot. R. TTVNUS, lA roadway frw r1oors from (l race Bros. AWTfrVclrtfie-er Mpei" s'ndtrinpTi snd 9 alao a nntity of Cast iron Set) Plrms and Fitting, fiaw; aTno quanlirT Oal.

Water Pipes, iW) fert at nn snd flrwft Tin and 1tn. 6 Henderson road, Alagawdrla. rrtHC 41 rtX X- i. tUMKMbtH, 81 Krixatwth treet, RRAT WARg PMt Douaail. 12 reiurli-st.

Bawfl. tvivrvu tit nnttv KiirnLshed rLAT. Darlinghuft Ruse Bay. well furn. 1 or 2 bedrooms.

jo Rin? ST A 1. 1 AN" RESIDENTIAL ASM). IATI0N A. MARTIN-PUCE fG roil ml Floor), has NFURN. FLATS.

ROOMS, VACANT. in. ai.i, Bl IS. MUllhlfAlK 11 f. I Al pK(tSr)NLYNSPECTI) iand RFOTMN liAJtGKS.

lumisuea no uniuroisnci. uil various rentals. ONTR, COLDRFX K. und 13 rt rlARN'. and BRKAKSJ'EAjlE.

tlPtf Sufex-t. 456 nANKSrt.NKa.---EngiliJ"i1 Iron, wfth taps, IoOa)' r.l: J.K; HOU 7. College-sL Unfurnishc! S.C LAT "to T.cT. WORN E.F late, FurnLlicd. harbour viewy, elect.

Y23fG. mtn. surf. Furn. Flat, 3 prtv.

ariultx. Leimler, sc. iiiiim. tit. S.C, Ml 1 min.

Surf, all "OlfDBiTK.juid htreft. rb.ii, nibo wen-rurn. Hetj-Bitdng Honni, use II ill MM. ul 1 1-1 2 Ilitnir.

unciirn, r.o, iinen, er, L- hath-htr. Apply No. 4 Flat, aw Flatu, Mllwm-rd, nest atop I iVM.t Coogee ter H.ATS, aetf-eon- a rooms uticnen, inuiroom with heater, i i on premie. -VNTAL PARC 7 Red-sitting R-r kit. henelte, gas stove.

MbatK wit refined esupk. -BYRONVUTS. StanlstrofT-Co-l nepsrkHod. S.C. Fur.

C.P. Flat. 1 liTtoMsT apartments, plats. wjpMS. sffttiviAlfRD AND UNFURNISHED APART- COOPER'S TANK WORKS, Ryds I.A WEIGHING MACHINE, hrales, btamped, MKr steelyards.

Hepuirs, Exchange. J. W. DERBURN, opp. Weights and Measures Dep.

Har-aL PINTS. ROOMS. IN ALL THE LEADING POSITIONS. HARIKiUR views, ui ka 1.1LI FFY FLOCK for filling mattresses cuthlons prii fid ner lb delitered. ROBINSON and MARSHALL Also CITY AND Rl.Bi ItH At cum whh i ivn PUf 1.8 TJT'p-i J' i Ut LIMITKD, Newt on -st trot, Alexandria.

INVALIDS' CHAIRS for Sale or Hire, nr. vncap, ilish H. HIND and A. Tables, Folding Contra, elc. 130 Elizabeth next Foy'a.

'-JS-tV Vii TURNRuLL, Hit specialist, wz Wpf Wllicr-IIIINIO nui. Sold, Bought, Exchanged. Russell's Kxchouge, lalA Wm. M. QEWINa.riite A.NlA, 1021 modlsTssll ing ropidb'.

years' guar. Price, terms right Austn. Sewing Mach. j' ty Lid. Queenly Markets.

S'CALESto sullTa'll trades, for cash or "easy tenniw DAYTON SCALE 6 437JDeorge-street, Sydney. tjURPLUS Stock Winter Canvas while and striped; -IO also Verundah Blinds Must be cleared. Make room Minmer materials. A. R.

Wright nnd 17 Bridge-st. VITKlGlllNG MACHINES. Counter Scales. Opel till p.m. 1f Regent -st.

Redfern, TOHN M. icrona-J t. Darllnghurst. Wm. and IO LET.

FLATS, -ROOMS, i funiished. tin- dney. APAETMEKTS. BOARD. RESIDENCE, A AVONLEA, Murdoch-st.

Crcmofne. Under new aTl. management. llwu. A HI fllenmore-rd.

Puddlngton.Clcan riDie. itoom, A kitchenette, gus allconvs. neljenijllondljlrani. A 125 i'St." Qlebet two double ROOMS, atfc. gas 11 Polls Point Icelr- a nooin ed lUtl clttlnr Itoom.

on balcony, k'ette. Wm. 400. kf tA" DirHngburst. Single Furnished ROOM, pitlcnwnon.yjpkan.

A WaraUh BayiwalCT-nl. llMirnt. Comf. iV funi. Rooms NftivTamT-si, large L'nfurniiUied J.

R00MSJoLKT(ncar Bnndl -lunction. 4i CTiiigeTid-st, Darlinghurst. Balcony It60.w J. vneant. it, D'hunrt.

Bal. Rooms r- I UK Kln.trert. ODKRN f'lirtNlllKn APAnTML-VTtt 'Plirinc. Z' CltT. Walw FronUg.

I.TfurnhhH HAT. ot 'pi "Hcm. tin anil cold tlioivcn. Well Milt a UironpiiOni. AKCK (IDDINQ.4, Pilt-rtteet AUSTRALASIA OF LT-CONTAINKD RRSIDENTIAL FLATS.

ronuoieu und Unfurnished. PWOrmtTV WAGER, fln Prawlsf "-AT8 TO LFf" p-rrfii) up to date. tJALE, Stocktaking. Artistic Utrm Shades, all cel. P.r y'i Wright, 17 Bridge sL rpENTS, TEN'TsT TENTS, ali tkes L.

im Eiirjioetn-H, near warn f-oy a. Ltd, "OACON SL1CERS, 4, 10, 14, 8J, 4J38, MtV'' STRt.K'T. itrt HVPC PA K. i A UI Ur Kill "KSiV, "I TfiRljl AY, 1 Woolcott Untl Mnw. "kf 1" 'liirliojlHiriinarrt.

Double RSm. Ifnant. can 1,1. Ik. a ani r.nn, i A LARfJK Funi.

Bal. UnOM lo (Worn J. Rite. at. tr.m, r.

t-owv. RIlMbeth-sl, Padd. "A "tiAROtTunt. ROOM, nil) M. rounle or ,47 Onwllnc-ai.

Moore Park. Tmc V.THW.I. 00.. a Pitt rit. fWI'l7 PARK ntoRioirs i-osmoit, IjiURKKA GAS STOVE, like new.

accept fwrt cash 1 offer, no fnrllier use. 44 Wiley Waverley. HAIPRICK Dress "end Dinner VU, quality tallorcil. from 5. Superior.

Box 1S9U. O.P.O. TENNIS RAC'iTTfifs7New and Srcond-hJnd, all makes, all price. Bakers Tennls jjia JHLaf. BLoi'SES, rTeautlfiilly enihroldereil," Crep- de Chlni, Fells.117 I.Uerpool -l.

or. AmerMagSt. KAPOK, small' lots; BeddingT Wire Mstlrtw ses, Bedheads. Nltawitt? Pit -si W'SjJJoord JRF.RA "OAS" 407, cnam. Apply Saturday A mi Roaevll1e.

PRAM, Keugran, good model, t. ATeha," Onnonrd. A DirrTIiKKR Gas Plant. 10, oost 10-rajwt. Shop, lannpe.

etc. II, Rssto. fJamphelltnww. fWfFNT, PLY, used only one day. uW Vi gain, Apply nt Cast Wen, estr.

PRAMr'fttr Sal, BYrrea" nVw, ArfBTl5reiw, Kibttck-sl. Pmvll Nrtrth. TjlOn SALKTnani ity offfmvmtl ami BantdaaV i1 Ttmlier. APOly Box 130V. G.P.O..

mW. tfiblt laOtthea, ftin errnn. new. 6 Ilenderson-td. AlosaM 1.ST, i vrt'nvwHKn TRfflcit, io runi.

of v. at, wwrl. Honm, jjwiifiMiijv. mr. iHnu.

ln iwn.i' irotri tiTTcro. lucen A rlHlMSHET) Mlnsw HWW. ciwn, eomij. 'o. ji tL vun XX rlltna-at.

off rwny ttnifc lll. AT IW nrlrate fam II v. AT" Prk-rd (rMy fM. A weu-fnrmahad t. B.

front. SafhriMm W.f!.. sdm anil Oreupitfi for ton thrr yean iiirirt. vVaira RitHmj-room. klieboiii.eTery9rjf., v(.

Telephwnssj, Ttdd. T. rtirr A ROOM a tt, fein By HlF.n, VUAU. trwrrr ppk. cofiTntene4av Ne.

1MS. FtaM. fcjSw'Vlri toy "tTt- mod. Div "A nncfjrm. furTCRoem.

ail tonta- gVwt(-e, swfajvioa -utUiV, lav rnoaas, sjbsi umi, TOtum, urn ley -it i let, fPor ewrnnuataen see Itrieg taj Wrnorm-Tw,.

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.