The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)

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Mi nta Mini raaa THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER SUNDAY JULY f) IMG Outbursts of Everett True OBSERVER FOR RENT--HOUSES BUSINESS OPPOIH UNITIES LOST AND FOUND TKAUIKKS WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 7 Mol'SK MmVMVO rontrAft Inr building mow-d riiilntr T'of I 1 if and iMvrln IiHhdlhg mu hlu Inti I 1 1 mi') Xpert WMuklng Clone ivul MI oufl I IMT of holm- before renting 17 Griffith 1 4 Trvon tilh or uiifui nl '1 Konltv Holt In I'livn Hit idhii' nm ht a Hr id If And out ah t)i don himdlo it i-8 If nu kM wht vmi want FGR Jtl'NT- I I furnMod iipnrtimn! for tin- otonr I I i I find tn onD nt O' I tilt hi N'T A mruni'dloiii tioni ling hou a on nl nt)j ii I i 1 1 ii 1 1 furnl tod AdflMHH I It flhurr Divld on 7 ut REST 4 II lor at fl I mirth hotn Uhon A 1 rd I IM NT E'ttrni hd hunpilow In th1 rnoofi I with nil mofi rn i fi' ri 1 id I l' 1 1 i Writ 1ox I 17 OBSERVER THE FAHNAC11TH Hnsd uni Rolls Auto llren No 7n" ltwwn Shelby and -hH loi I Under notify will postage liv plain grM bur gin with netting fliGiir'1nv irnlng rnh (in Trvoll tolW'GI Ghmrvur nfrtir and NWM flventh nturn to Minn Wi'M Observer offlin for reward White AptG Anwi-r to rlon if return'd tu I on A pplevv Uhon CGI 'Gft HELP WANTED -MALE 1 too mn hrtnr yoir nil Pan am hata to us for blocking mt Ue In work done by 'P'rt Spanish tnm Panama Hat Shop 15 East Trad" "front At National Theater of Kan-napnll Roftd fomedv ornpwn pood for good TV Morr1 Manager TV A Tnijn mn to ar of mra who Ih 1 1 of rk but would I1U to hav a Ro4ul position mit'd ltd hom*o VnowrdR of aa toa nnhlp Writ at Rlvln 'phono nombor "(Turn car th-fiorvwr 2 Biitornrdtl m'ohanh 2 mi-tomohtle me hanlf heltera 1 lady aaDt-ant atennrrapMr atit rtperlenre arid hh! ary expeMed AdJrH Stanley Au1 Co Alheynarle Tv A V'ounu man etenoRraher fT aDo HHDtan! ho4kUper undr 2 aalaiy moderate auMntt full applt(itloii with Tefrrerue Pii'Moxinx return post Re ho)eae rare iharvwr tah mhi the tnrher tfide and Rive poaltmn In our hain of ahopa at Rood ware for AMtnta Itarher d- Dro tft Mlt hell 3t Atlanta On TN ANTED Carpenter arid Flrat National Hank TtldR wra-Wood Cn fjaatonla laborer on Apply Ttav- TVAVTED Men of abllltv to learn the rot ton hualne In our xamplo room Df mrltan Hulldlnx flrat Mhhh opening fr rornpMent men Charlotte Cotton hool M'ANTTI Elor trlrlan nmn with experl enow rapahle of taklriR harRe of te tru JtRht and watr plant Dive rferne arid ptate aalarv r1elred Addrera lle ri I rare Ohaerver Rood tinner and elate roof at one Addreaa VV Metta TVANTKD and rlnhle aiernin with Rood re ord well Hplendl! line houe furnlehlnp natnelwnr- tinwar Rlmnw-are et I'harlott terrpory moat rerultful and have entahlDh trade wli knowledRo of the linen Rood pay to rlphi man Addrena with ref reni Amaho Mu vantiah Oa Five or ti rol moulder ran mo ure regular work AddreM Ltox £V4 Norfolk a FMrat-iU pluinmer at cnee state wages In answer Address Haw! Monroe FX-APMT COOK with excellent discharge phyBhallr nnallfled can Ret extra pay a ppolntnient at once (apt fl Co 3rd Regt Camp Glenn SHEET METAL worker and roofer We Hava position open for flrMl-ciusa erector for outulde wrk miint be strWtlv solier arid have ability to huridio merhanh labor and run a job will par 14 per day and ex-pensoa for nine hours' work We will In eist on a testimonial from the leading con tractor of vour who i a member of the Builder Exchange nf If you can All the above pnwHMn om on anl bring leatimontals with vou King Manufacturing Co Hanford CALI 328 If vou want anything In the bakery line Situations Wanted TVA Youiir nsn ex rienred In ship ping department nnd nlomin deslr po yitlon In wholesale huslne-s tan siart at once yeferenr furnished Address "Wholesale' fre i beerv er Rv expert rped hip man pos) tton firrcmnn of (sbinet or ma bine room reference furnished from present employer Address Foreman ate observer TV A Me ha nh with ten years ex pr1ena fatt rn maker and general wood work at foundry ami ma Mine shop wjitN position tn (miMH ro1 shop rereren furnished fhne :1 write Rut-pam 617 fl Lafavctfn Hhlbv POSITION wanted as auperlntendept farm or dnlnr long am) jxoid re furnished A1drss I flhfrlll ltox 3ft Statesville WANTED- By oung tnarrud man pod-tln In hardware have lied 5 erg' hl kind 4 1 mn begin wirk If anv Gm between no mo1 the Sept If 4iu want hnetler ran give beat ft et Addfema Hardware an f)l-iM'fvr LINOTYPK niathtnUi operator want work at rn a tty B4t Jonea lit kory Situati)n Wanh'd lYrnalt by lady ate-noRrapher full tlm ur will do f-w hur work dv tery is-'iia My be By ca Ooeerver 7A By mng lady powtUon a nigrri in furnish refer-fj ar begin work 419 i'rm Mmr TY fltt uiMon a primary Intermedia! six yean' experience hig et rare WANTED Lady want primary wmk would lake aa ran tah irtuslc go! Educator care A pisBin tea Ping In a gu graded or rursl h'ol have had -yean' In blah a hoot In Ortreea "leather Bx 912 Roy Moui For Sale Real Estate Improved To nn good brl store fl lor adlon 718 East 7ih i harlot1 pHc right terioa to suit put ha-Addre-41 Hotvar $22 Lt iiru Ht Hk hmond Va ALWAYS hav of Fasna ht rutla your tab when you have rampauy FOR HALE Black Mtn furplal moarding houaa ten year' patrmuge furt4-n roma a Van to ouartera itjagmfl rt viw gd g( de centrally located Addrs Broad Con ord FOR Plio Mil Ggbi foom cottage floe view good garden young errbai 1 modern Broadfovt Concord WK NEED North t'Mrotlna trm horn for' North roltriu KooIh all Rind and loirtJii nU HouthUnd Tcai m' Armji Kn vl II Ttn Mux 2H3 I 'I WANTED for Rrad'-d and hlRh RoarantrtMl ariho thrr mr-h-Mon onr nridlinant Mhrlilan 'IVurhorH' ARndi (har)ottn A I'liOM IN ENT county NUprrlntondrnt write tiro Rolng to want a prim I-pal for th hool at $on and an extra ro41 primary t'tuhor In MHP'h if a powl-tlon It will pn you to In tom with u- Mouth'-rn Tuh'ra' Akih Cnlumhla TEACH HKH wanted for Rraded and high HfhoolM Rtiaranteed awrvhw three hrou-t I oh one enrollment Sheridan AgenrleB Charlotte SUMMER RESORTS ASHEVILLE Or5atHf Summer Re-nnrt In A merit cool mountain bret'M Sleep under hlunketa nlghy hundr-ds of mllea Hplendld motor roadn railroad to num mil of Mount MU hell 6711 fet hlgh'St point eat of the Hoikloft Hixty-four mountain peakH mix thounund feet and upwatd within an area of one hundrtd mllet about Anhovllle Hportleat 18-hole all-turf golf pourne Mouth unexcelled hotel nceommuda-tlons Illustrated booklet free Write Asheville Hoard of Trade Hurkner Secretary HAFlTlOH INN Front beg Island open to gucflta June 1 flnent aurf excellent flatting terms to parties Adriresa Harbor Inn Atlantlcvllle Station 28 DRAV OARLEM cool clean comfortable hath toilet ejeetrlc UghtK entire houae and fine porch acreened Mpetlal acrom-modatlona fr partlea excellent table Ad-dreHB Gray Gahha Station 27 Sullivan's Island RIOVISTA Hummer French Me hool on mountain mudc languaRe-i oHhlng meals served In open air good duch*er flrHt-claHM references rates reasonable Principal Madame Clarice Remington (Graduate tf thp Cnlverslty of Pennsylvania) Swannanoa near AhhvlU TEMPLE COTTAGE Wrlghtsville Beat near Lumlna Sa fooN a ape clnlty Mrs Beaty jf SALESMEN WANTED WANTED 600 aalesmen sell magic motor gas one quart price $2 equals 50 gallons gasoline greatest produt ever discovered Jaigo profits Auto Remedy Co I)ept 64 Cine Innatl (j SALESMAN For general mercantile tiade In to sell a new proposition of merit vacancy duly I attractive commission contract fi5 weekly for expenses Miles Blxler Co Wholesale Jewelers l)ft 28jiarUn Bldg Cleveland SALESMAN Capable specialty man for Staple line on new and exceptional terms Vaieney now Attractive commission ontrac Jifi weekly for expenses MIIch Blxler Co 186-27 Carlin Bldg Cleveland i TVANTKD Live salesman to Invest $100 In a proposition that will pay $2(M per month Good Security care observer A RELIABLE manufacturer want general ale manager to establish office and manage salesmen Liberal contract $70C to $700 capital necessary Money-making possibilities unlimited TVill pay expenses to Chicago If you are man we want Secretary 1012 Republic fll Ur Chicago SALESMAN Vacancy 15th with old houe Permanent position Cover North Carolina Staplo line sold on exceptional terms High enmmlNHion $15 00 weekly advame Hiileg Manager Suite 6827 800 Woodward I mtrolt SALESMEN Side line make hfg money slling our new 5c art picture knife punch IxuirdH big commission Write for exclusive territory AddresH Dan Qualls Spt- laity Co Box 415 Knoxville Tenn SALESMAN to sell g4neral trade CarnllnoH viwancy Julv 2ft a new merchandising id in contra $15 weekly for) nxi! estaMDh! 1900 Continental Jew Rv Co 63-28 ontinental Bldg Cleveland Old VaiHtirv 1rth with old hom*o I liormnnont position povit Ninth c'arullni fttaplo line sold on exieptlonal tcrmH high cninmldon $15 weekly ad van Manager Suite 68 Rftft Woodward Detroit EXPERIENCED salesmen with good -ortl splendid proportion for good mn miiHt give reference with first letter Medicine Co Memphis Tenn SALESMEN and dealer to demonstrate and "Campbell" oscillating and rotating sprinkling machine tally adapted for large and small lawn gardens anl golf liberal comintsslon unr'Hlrb tTrUorv Go Clark Co 259 Fifth Ave New York SALESMEN VA work big pay Write for Urge list of opentng offorlng opportunities to fnom $ftft to $500 a month whD vou learn nearest Offl Dept 18 National Salesmen Training Axsiala tlon Chicago New rk Han Framlaci SALESMEN WANTED Best pun bmid denis on earth brand nevr consignment $5 commission nn order and repeats old reliable Mfg Co 2662 Cottage Gro Chi ago CIUK SALESMEN WANTED to MI cigar on road to men Hants $jfi week and expenses or ommlsslon Experience rod necessary Rex Company Kansas City Kan 6ni) anleaman sell magic motor ga quart $2 equals oft gallons gasoline greatest product ever large prflts Auto Remedy Co Dept 84 On Innatl WA salesmen sell Magic Motor Gas quart prim $2 eiuals fio gallons gasoline greatest product ever tn profit Auto Remedy Co Dept 6ft Cincinnati Experienced nv Bno sell general trade In unexcelled new specialty proposition commission outran $'5 weekly fir expenses vatanty 12th continental Jewelry Co 5S-27 Continental Hltg Cleveland Ohio TG flftft WEEKLY selling our line pstn' oil greae and nmnv spe laities ealarv or rotnmDGon Write fr particulars Crystal oil A Paint Co Cleveland flAt USMAN calling on retail mention! small towns w-ll on ftnwnlaton well-ipaylng side One dty good and blankets prn Mawr Mllia Philadelphia Pa AM Traveling salesman to handle I up to line trunks and bags side strli tly HmmlHin no advance 1 Appomattox Trunk A Bag c0 Petersburg a for Unit Stores and Offices FOR new in Belmont S8 ft long splendid Imi tlon Box 449 BILMINOTgN $or rent building that has bn oupld as surrsasful sh st4re fur past located In of hutttneaa sm Gon fluttabl for any kind nf line Pos-swatoi first For full details and Ino ftuutfcsro Building Wilmington AM Kl Mm of high standing who nr oiniwhit ijuh I In tnmmuhlty In wht'h thv rMtdi to mi um our i lu-! (' xii'x diHtrlhuior To men who ran 1 1 1 1 1 1 ftr inHdvr who a work-Ok it i ii 1 1 I who nn cm luelvn IimIh'-'i of thitr own Unit In clean unit hs 10 fui Invi ailgnte proposition lii ID ut Company him to offer vou 'Mi' Whlto JDG I'ompiinj 11 Hnuth Tryon 4 fui i Jot te UAVf All th world ir iiy mcr phon tf'fiihH' Th row Ihili I'hopoRi i ih Pli a nnft il' In I nn IdR 1 1 -n lionn uhu(h on1 hhIo ii ii no tin1 Mr profit to aRontH no dititu Vhlto MfR to Phono Dpt t'ln- I ii 1 1 i (n TI MLIVJ lntirMt In well eRtnMlHh''d i It I 1 1 1 mm pHlrtR 'Jr ier nt to TO lr i id id otvitTH Hid' lruiudil In I rpf it Ion (ivvrit i tlm end attention do-iitnml'd I-" Ip o' Io Hi In heat town In mould i in- of Wfrn 'urdlrm cx optional otp fiiinUv Smith Lu Imoti Or AlorrlH IE ml 001 i 71 Tdio hu lo iu Hdl Motor (i ijUirt fite eUHia fdl rhI Ion i Rioitn prutt rulurt ever dliuov- I 1 1 pr in Auto -iri ly pt I Clm Inn Ml I nil -A rdx tlioUMtn! dollar Htork of Rmril riK'ri hamliN dInR uri nnniiiil luin'-t4 tit Hnt five thUMKnl dollarH Hill lour I in i nt irh Ion roo1 reunon for ltx bjt ID tiderHonvIlle I i MAT I Now an! up-to lute drug hlorft in MthnrhM of st town In Mtate Helling i Dine tute A I 1 1 hh PropoHlUori raa i I MFAft7' on hiHlnetM nf tour own tan put vou tuxl flfv fli huamoHs 0iprr-tnrilil' little no (Mpltui rejuired par-t i nl for red Htamp Hox 42ft lw 11 NT nl HID Aid hit ON CADIO 1 TH IS PAPER ANTED Mn tf liiph ''tumilriR who nr HOinowhHt a i ii iiit In the miiimunllv In whl thy I'sld to mt hm our 4Ul dlH-OlBuOr 7o men wlm nm think for them- I who have a wrklng anh retdtal who lsir an xhiHlve )iuHine-H of their 4wri that I lean utid him Mr future that hoitld mt frMn ona to annually low tip lie ih- propmitlnn th Whit Hutt I hi'H in oHr you 7 he White Heat Co II I rn Mt AN I UD A Ko''l Kt'Mdy hudne man f-irillar with offhe work with to lnvut in paying mariufa turlng plant now runniny full tlm nothin hut hiiHlnPH man i nod apply Addn-iH A It rare )b-t i IICRRY Hll the mystery of motordom ecjimN gaedlne at ic per gallon ollimnatiH carbon dollar an hour profit sileM Ruarant'd beware of Gao tnb atandH alone has no ccul hrtiidH baffl! nt Its composition i tall fr The White fg Co Dept 40 Clm InnnH I IlsT 1 1 It a Ofni 00 pi art I in town 4 0oii popo wv 1 1 1 offhe fur town 4 Mon will offhe fur- tuliir' and equipment at barRwtn Mules to i Ms by duly 20th Write or call on Box JP Inurlnbuig WHEN A'(lT ORDER vour Bread from tho Riinerv always ask for Fa mi ht Bread Er Real Estate 1 non SOI ARE feet floor Hpncft with ahle-iiuk for mnrnifac lining Orlfllth Mouth stret I'cR corner Ninth an'l ildwll Nin'ets iM HO fet six room 1w Iling and Mtcjr house IHxr0 fe-t with of Kroih'H ixelhnt location for tpui tin nt house A Ih attic Agent HHAl 7 Miiiiitiai home near will si )uitiii' fur wnti! prop-( il or j'n ii What hava vou1 Box ml III' fiOxTft two stories fur dwelling nt Methodist (Injf'h $7 0i)(i Htok general men handlin' Apply Sklpwlth Va I AltBB brb re siii CoiiI Mill MU E- At Sal udn ri bungalow hp fur rib for uhoii a I 111 nh in bi'auilful fur rush or will 0 Inqiilte Mrs For Silk MLrHlaneous I'gR sHH Several PltghMv used gas taiiF'H In fxhnnge prbx veiy LiiMn I- urnttura Co i Foil SALE On nllifitlor tn ft hipI thr- lmhH fat and healthy make me a ini' it nritf hRhi prh him Witt St Matthews UgR 4 A wall tent with flv 4 4irnpll4 tu rv wav mad nf 12-i whit lnU 1 two wrks sle I2 10 i hh nw At a htiLjVfh nm sl'l ring the big Hdvnne In fnl material Fuuinntid nrtt tn Rap a drop Address A Kudlslll I'henvvlllc MOt HLK- Fine RoiAv Ford cantaloupe In wBimlurd le one tt) two 14 ow-Itig u4h wanted Let us your rers an supply vour Adi'eiHM 1 1 rue Farm 1 Dlt SA LE ral hunIrl bushel sound fl Id pin at $1 ft( Lumbertou it Gf)Ugh I umbei tun ERE'Gl NATIVE MEATS MCE TT fl I 4 15 7) 2 ft 4 ENTS LB BEIF IB A 15 7G 4 I NTS PER POUND EAl Cllol'S 4 ENTH PER iB riMM 728 OR SALE- he WHIlt ul i i ba rber I i hair 4 nnd a I Gamble TGI flAT Tw 7ft Prut! gins with ally toes riba unl brushes wt Continental distrlbu-er distributer usd lint nnd stniion pip a fr two gins mt uomI split by 8 mu- good spilt ulbv 44 12 Will as is hole or puatel) reasonable of! refused Urutgio A 4o Bowling (Been flALE 4 in 10 hnraepmuor General trl 20 vo'ts ftft-t yle 4 horsepower nutur 271 or apply 32 Tryon Fi Gi fl A Hlntw Plano 1070 IHI fr eDe a limited amount of stub In ftft $ft anti $1 oou lot easy nm in of paving bums big prtf-Its 1 ft tMff 1 2 year will stand slrlrt-t Bn Apply or write 1 oftunDv" 219 Mutual lulg RI h- 10401 a GU F4f f'rn dally express shlp-c io ill 1 nnl UiU fi st re PM' 7 Laurel IBB IG NTAf GUTMl f'r at a bargain f(rlr win hhoard and atta hm nts "fullnx hair quartered oari IhI raidnet atd oilrr thing needed in drtC'J it 3 1 1 Trade Ph-ne 38 Fgu flAIK- vllsi1a Vrss hands una lltbifi nw 11 nirt nii-rv'r HUNT Unit lit fluih ftiartmnt on first and third flu apartments on third flour tu binli! Apartment North Try trt bm li apartment has five rooms with modern convenience Prba $4J per 1 Apply DG-191 Iw Bulbling I hone No 436 FOR Juniper polea for light telegraph and telephone lines all siea and lengths Pate Laurel 1 1111 LAWN Have you keen the beautiful tenniM court at Lakewood Park? It la free for Park visitors Take your ra k-eta and balls and play tennis us long as you llko TAKE CARE of your eyes If they trouble you lot me fit them with the proper glasses 0 Uohorts 24 Tryon Ht upstairs A pair of line HlllgatoiK arrived from Tampa few days ago 'Liny are nearly 6 long nnd are ljulle an ultra -tion at Lakewood Park Open-minded earnest seekers for relief from constipation try liurdaco Laxative Syrup 26c FOR Peas at $1 1ft here Tate Laurell Hill BOATING Boating at night has become very popular at LhK'mmmI the lake has been lighted Most of the boats are out every evening BIGS spo lal lot of tailored and semi-dress ami sport hats Mnck and all colors no white values from $1 P5 to $7 50 Special 95 cents to $2 96 BELK BROS $100 waists on sale 39 and 49 cents SUPPER There has been a continuous round of picnic ami supper pintles at Lakewood the past week There Is no better or more pleasant way to spend the evening than a little excursion to Lake-wood BELK BROS $1 00 waists on sale 39 and 49 cents TVILL EXCHANGE nearlv new Stir ft Plano for real estate or part pajnunt on new auto care Observer BAND MUSIC Thr re wilt he the same hand music at Lakewood Park this afternoon and band concerts and darning during week The dancing grows tn popularity from week to week Bread Ip baked fresh evrrv right here in Charlotte Ask vour grocer 'Phone 328 Faanac ht Bnkrry TWO SODA Fountains tw automatic ar-bonators and two sets drug tlxtur for sale at a bargain Two stores having on-solldated we wish to dispose of one of eu of above All In excellent condition If interested Torrent Drug Co Gastonia FINE WATER It Is worth a trip to Lake-wood any time Jut to drink the artesian water from the Park well Th Is none so good Quite a number ar iking it In bottles to use at their horms Th re is no thurge CRAZY! All the world Is nary over Phonographs! The new Dolce Phonograph gives most value fr least money big sabs easy every home wants one one sale a day means big profits to agents details White Mfg Co Phono Dept Cincinnati KNIVES and shears ground at the Myers Hardware Company LAWN TENNIS Tennis plavlng seems to be quite a fad now A beautiful court has been prepared at Lakewood and It is fre for the use of visitors Take rackets and balls and play tenms at the Park WE RESTRING tennis rackets prices $1 50 to $3 50 Myers Hardware Company FRESH native meats best cut steaks 15c to 17c veal chops 15 tents 728 That pair of 5' alligators which arrived from Tampa a ftw di-5 ago are perfectly at hom*o In thtlr pool at Lakewood Park Do not fail to see those Interesting creatures THE GENUINE Rve Bread made from the best rye flour that can ho had ask for Kleen Crust Bread HELLO over the that comes to Fasnacht's every day for delicious rolls 10c per dozen BARIUM Rock Springs Water cures eczema DRIVE rheumatism away by drinking Barium Rock Springs Water FINE wat'h and jeweiry repairing Lemmond watch Inspector for Southern Seaboard and Norfolk Southern Railways 30 East 5th St Charlotte N-C OUR POLICY insures your automobile against fire anywhere in United States rates reasonable Forest City Loan Insurance Co Forest City ROARK DETECTITE AGENCY Charlotte Box lft62 handles Mll and criminal work has convicted 420ft blind tigers In three States past six years A little excursion to Lake-wood Park these evenings with a kxUk a book a magazine and better a lunch box affords more pleasure for the price than anything you can think of Try It ANYONE wanting a crate of llotky Fort! cantaloupes well netted and sweet secure them by sending $1 25 to Still Blackville 8 WANTFlf Burr clover and peas cheap Wolfe WANTKl) Address of Charlotte lady who recently wrote A flwink of Norfolk Va giving history of Swink family Letter lot information dslred flwink China Grove -You know we work night nr day except Sunday Jarrell Machine Co Corliss engine 125 must In condition anl the price right Graf-DnviH-CoIlett Co Salisbury 0 WANTED Good second-hand 1 boiler give full description Addles Box 64 ThomasvUle Large coffee mill must be In gud condition Person 'Phone 5922 WANTED To exchange Buhk roadster for touring car Everhart Newton Attraction! and concessions for big celebration at Aug 5 Address Box 167 SPECIAL for tn dav only Palm Boa and cool cloth autta cleaned 50 (erita For meaaenyer call 554 West Trade ITi-ha-Ing Club Kin of all Clubs FLOWERS Tha fiownrs at Lakewood In-creaae In beauty from day to day They are the talk of the visitors out there now Tou can are them night or day and It la well worth the trip ATTENTION HOTELS AND BOARDING Prompt ahipmrnt of hlek-na rugs toma-toea and other vegetables Write for ape clal prices Hickory heed Co III lory a TOU WILL FIND A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF FRESH FISH AT ALL TIMFS AT PORTSMOUTH SEAFOOD COMPANY' 'PHONE ton BUILDING MATERIAL CSE FIREPROOF Herculee plaster hoard Instead of letha and plaater 1 75 per 10 square feet Write for aample Her-rule Plaster Board Co Box III Harno-ton Va orm hhImm Auri 1 fit tr II Klti'li preM jit mint or 'I he I rnp FU'ht-ronrn t-drlt hnno Mnrle 7 errn Olii'o Apdr to Uut'hlNon fin) T-yon AUTO MOB I EES AM) MOTORCYCLES NO DOWN 110 Cadlllne touring rar part for nlo aatlNfuition muran teed prle? rlpht Write liutler lien to ttvllle JU ilt A I I Fin per I1 kethook 1 1 I fir nt Bh 1 1 01 I Tin I lit Uakeri I I 1 1 Ci In fin- fotidnlon ft 40 at it ri i dr 1 1 ult i writ Mul No 1 at dh rv ANTI C-r di lit 10 unto nt put tl'iilur and lit Ad'll-' I'hikOh fdo rv WANT Will pH' prl I It ton one 01 i I mod 1 a re dxf iirlfg mr ond I Mon and ANT HD ONE I nl(I VA 111 PAY AN ca ri: niMi TIH'NMI CAM ADDRIsM dt 1 I I I- -od irlhR ad i II oiidu mm i hr 7 rv on Cl 7 RATH irc the one in the CiirolliMiH offering Mr nt 1 half ii in fh fi-lhw'nR bratul -f tir Hit nd G'l'ir Gordon nod Dkimnnd and all othr Mandard liimls A Ciole low a Go 4li 2XxT plain tft 70 rionxi 1 7 (it plain J7 20 nonkld 7 5i plain i 1 ft iionsKid 0 Pi Writ us for price lint for other Kie Cut Rate 7 In Store fl Tiade Mt Charlotte hod I HATE the Rh ti luiv ti Rood hcojc! h'lnd roal'dr or turlng iir must to in good condition Write PoMoffl ltox i Ik CharloMe WAN! ED WANTED -NN tinkering delaying or experiment Dig but something to that torpid liver now Hurducu Laxative Syrup HLLK RUGS Hp 1 h1 lot of tailor and em and prt hta bli and color no while vhum from 9f to 7 M) Special n' 4'hlh tV ANTI D--Hlk an! ldnt lirmtanie MiYwhete In Butri'-! Mms Crihualtv Co Wlnstm Snhun HARICM cm ic Spring Water ellifilnul urP a hi fiuii hi ti i A If It in Mpilngs Water Gw king nil mcdhloni ahln 1 1 nl Mo in 1 1 ih nt rv BEI BUGS II wuGst fn lOftM Of) Mi she I 4W M) a ts nr a lid 4 '1 K'H ut wiun vv 1 1 1 Govern In nt fobs to ft TO nionOi Writ 1 rn rn dial for poitifn rmw ldaluiM I'raiiilln lntltui Jp 17 Uoh4ti 7 I RG FT nm hf 1 1 phmm hum Mi Dial la )h Go Ir phutm Imnlt In Mg lGrs fur nnvGiIng In th hahiv line A 11 7') be 1 1 fr mr of him urirnpr4)vd Rtml fur rhI nvl Ru llw in lei ondn I'ul'imm Buid in Gi lfld vou oiikM rrnilie vuur Handwhli ut of MA AlinnNH i4 I dv Floy 1ft enia I du4'h 1 anii4 ht link rv WAV? Kl' Tn ehurpen vour liiwn mnwrn IliiKlwar Cornpanv IHilK BIB $1 fft walHt I 4 wMh 49 $5 Oft vtnlnta 49 nl $1 i 1 I HO ami WAN7I D- usd rl 4 'rr ath Salem beam But warp i 5 Win 4xi WANT! D- Run down And Bred mn give Bmdu'O flvrup a (Imioe to boost vour 25c all druggistN I'UJS'IKK I'l HCIW for I dir til Bt 1 Am YT observer Wantj HELP FEMALE LADIES Earn money at home addressing envelopes and mailing circulars spare time full particulars for stamped envelope Success Supply Co 4940 Belmont Ave Chicago 111 WOMEN Makn shields $6 per 60 material furnished send stamped envelope Specialty Co 8 Fourth Ave Brooklyn GIRLS Now Is the to take a course In the Ideal Millinery School Prepare now for IFall season 94 4 Whitehall St Atlanta Oa LADIES A fascinating home business supplying tinted postcards pictures etc spare time $5-12 weekly no canvassing samples 10c particulars free Artint 321 130 Manhtn St New York LADIES A fascinating home business supplylrg tinted postcards pictures etc spare time $5-12 wekly no canvassing s-wnplcs 10c particulars free Artint 319 1U) Manhtn St New York EARN $25 wceklv spare time writing for newspapers magadm-s experience unnec-es-arv details free Press Syndicate 842 St Louis Mo Wi)M EN Beat this $15 salary or 60c hour for spare time Immense success Introducing guaruitcerl hosiery rheaper than stores no xperien Write quick International Mills Dept 89 Norristown Pa AT ONCE Ten ladle to travel demon-straie and sell well established line to our dialers Previous experience not necessary Good pay Railroad fare paid Goodrh Drug Co Dept 470 Omaha Nebr FURNISHED ROOMS For -Large handsome room ntcely furnished connected with hath and splendid neighborhood 64 block from Squar See Murphy Co FOR RENT nicely furnished room (4 winduvm) modern tOnvenlonces 1700 FASNACHT Pound co*ke cannot be beat 20 pound Buy one pound FOR RENT Roveral furnished room Apply 4 Carnegie Court Edit RENT Two nicely furnished rooms complete for Bght housekeeping with re-reptlun hall ereened porch and private hath 'dose In possession at once Apply to 511 North Pine St or 2953-W FOR RENT rooms for men $12 60 office rooms $5 and $7 50 running water Carson Building Carson ROOM KnK KENT furnished or unfurnished good locution with all convenience Phone 677-J ROOMS WANTED WANTED A refined oung wants room and board with private family oh exchanged Address care Obercr 3 rooms for light housekeeping with the kit hen furnished not over tx blocks from square care Observer VVANTLI' or four unfurnished room in 'Phone 271) POULTRY AND EGGS PBJKgNS PRICE (n account of space offering Carneaux and Homers at prle for a short Drop us card for particular Fleehn Squab Co Her-j shaw LOOK! Highest i ash Prices Tald for Rag nf all kind Braiw Copper and 11 grades of nld Auto Tires and Rub Imt of nil dcarrlptlon Bonk and Maga-sines Hblee hool and Old Feather Writ fop nMISBIRG IRON A MFTTL CO I ynrbburg a Bank of Iym'hburg KODAKS and FILMS JAS STOWE CO 25 Tryon 8t Phono 171 and 17 FOR SALE-FARMS FINE FARM for pale on Uwharrie river and creek terms made easy Apply to Howard at Mechanic or Cavlness Aaheboro FOR At a bargain good farm located In Moore countv on graded road good water good neighborhood one mile from railroad two miles from town with good school and churches Address Lock Box 185 Carthage FARM FOR 300 acres in best agricultural county In the State 125 In cultivation three good houses plenty barns and stables a real barguin with terms to suit purchaser schools churches railroad convenient Frank Gough Lumberton FARM FOR SALE 900 acres one mile from railroad school and church good house and outhouses 150 acres In cultivation great bargain price $16 an acre easy terms White Gough Lumberjm Special Notices PERFECT THE NEW cheese comes In half-pound tins no waste rind or offensive odor a universal favorite Also fresh lot of Philadelphia cream and plmpnto cheese fine lot of fresh figs blackberries oranges grape fruit watermelons cantaloupes peachea and June apples lettuce peppers beets white and yellow squash tomatoes okra egg plant corn cucumbers and string beai a Be eure to get your order in eirly for we close at eight SIGMON-KLUEPPKLBERG CO LARGE COOKING APPLES FROM VIR-ginli by barrel or bushel fine lot flour $275 sugar $2 00 bag good coffee 15 and 20c smoked bacon 20c no bone white comb honey 16c extracted 10c and special sale of canned meats and fDh full cream cheere 18 4c and 21c 10 roBs rarer 25c 3 cars baked beans 25c shoulders 15c hams 21c finest lo of Ir potatoes you ever saw 26 lbs best rice $150 cr 4 lbs 25c You get what you buy here and prompt delivery BUIDOHR9 CO 38 College St 'Phone 151 FRESH VEGETABLES EVERY Beans corn tomatoes tucumbers beets cabbage cantaloupes Rnd watermelons Have In a lot of fruit jars of alt sixes us vour orders 290-291 NO TV SMITH FEUNDELL BRAND WHEAT FARINA Furndell Wheat Farina Is made from most nutritious parts of wheat and Is rich In gluten nitrates and other properties necessary for the nourishment of the muscles nerves and bones Nothing can be better for Invalids Infant and children than food prepared from Ferndell Wheat Farina 15c packages MILLER-VAN NEHS C4LMPANY 27 North Tryon SL 2376 BARIUM SPRINGS W'ATER BETTER THAN DRUGS Bulletin of the North Carolina State Board of Health say- we use more Drugs per enplta than people In the world and further states that It Is one of our most harmful hab-ItA In many cases Drugs Irritate the membrane of the Stomach and Bowels and do Infinitely more harm than good The wonderful BARIUM SPRING WATER soothes and- heals the membrane of the stomach and bowels acts freely on the Kidneys drives the uric acid out of the system purifies the Blood and revitalizes the Nerves It costs you nothing to try this the greatest of Nature's remedies if you receive no benefits from the first ten gallons Phone 73S or write Rox 5-0 BARIUM SPRINGS WATER-CO Barium Springs (Adv DROPSY Sp-rlalist UburIIv rlvr quick hav- cntlrrlv r-fiv-d many hopl- ca Sw-Ulng and abort breath -on gone Often give -n-Hre relief In 18 to 25 day Tr'al treatment a-nt hr mall FREE DU THOMAS CREEH Successor to Dr Green'a Bona Box Chataworth Ca ir arn Tmm If I'lSMiwjjg'ngu.

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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.