Mysterious Society of Apocryphal Explorers (2024)


  • 1 Information
  • 2 Internal organization
  • 3 Apocryphorum
  • 4 Members
    • 4.1 Sarah Howle
    • 4.2 Marcus Planoy
    • 4.3 Gabriel Stormweaver
    • 4.4 Dib
    • 4.5 Percival Jareth
    • 4.6 Elara Nightshade


This strange and secretive order is devoted to Boccob. They seek out and collect rare divine relics and artifacts. The Explorers secret away their collection somewhere in Kingsmount; in a hidden stronghold that they call The Apocryphorum. Their motto is: “Scientia Tutissima Occulta.” (Knowledge is Safest when Hidden.) It is their mission to keep powerful magics away from those who might do harm with them. They travel the world seeking powerful magic items, rare texts, divine relics, and artifacts of all kinds to add to their collection. Members are often recruited from within the Reliquary of Boccob, but senior members are known to take on protégés from outside the established priesthood. No matter the manner of recruitment every potential member must make a significant contribution to their “museum”. The entrance to the Apocryphorum is located in an unassuming alley in a wealthy housing district. Behind a simple manse is a cellar door. This cellar door is a Gate to the small pocket dimension that is the Apocryphorum. Once one passes through the cellar door they find themselves in the opulent entrance hall of a magnificent museum. Huge marble statues of fantastical creatures and in the middle a simple directory. It is half museum, half college, and half dormitory.

Internal organization[]

Within the Mysterious Society of Apocryphal Explorers, a well-defined internal hierarchy governs the organization's operations, ensuring a smooth functioning and effective pursuit of their mission. The hierarchy comprises various ranks, each with specific responsibilities and privileges. Here is the internal hierarchy of the society:

1. **Archivist Prime:** The highest-ranking member and the leader of the society. The Archivist Prime is a venerable and respected individual with extensive knowledge of magic, history, and artifacts. They oversee all aspects of the society's operations, make crucial decisions, and set the overall direction of the organization. The Archivist Prime is a title earned through wisdom, experience, and profound contributions to the Apocryphorum.

2. **Curator General:** The second-in-command and a trusted advisor to the Archivist Prime. The Curator General assists in managing the day-to-day affairs of the society, supervising the various departments, and coordinating expeditions to acquire new artifacts. They also act as the primary liaison between the senior members and the rest of the organization.

3. **Chroniclers:** Senior members who have distinguished themselves through years of service and remarkable achievements. Chroniclers are responsible for recording and preserving the society's historical records, documenting the origins and significance of each artifact in the collection. They also oversee the education and mentoring of younger members.

4. **Seekers:** Experienced members tasked with venturing into the world to locate and acquire new artifacts and magic items. Seekers are skilled adventurers, researchers, and diplomats, capable of navigating dangerous terrains and negotiating with various factions to secure valuable additions to the Apocryphorum.

5. **Scribes:** Members with exceptional expertise in ancient languages, arcane writings, and deciphering cryptic texts. Scribes are responsible for translating and interpreting the rare texts found on expeditions, as well as studying and categorizing newly acquired artifacts.

6. **Artificers:** Skilled craftsmen and magic experts who maintain and protect the Apocryphorum's collection. Artificers are entrusted with ensuring that magical artifacts remain contained and secure, and they possess the knowledge to create protective enchantments for the stronghold.

7. **Initiates:** Newly inducted members who have passed rigorous tests and demonstrated potential in their respective fields. Initiates undergo a period of training and study under the guidance of senior members. They contribute to the society's efforts while proving their dedication and worthiness.

8. **Sentinels:** The Apocryphorum's elite guards and protectors. Sentinels are highly skilled in combat and magic, ensuring the safety of the stronghold and its inhabitants. They are also responsible for securing the entrance to the pocket dimension and maintaining security protocols.

9. **Archivists:** Members who organize and manage the extensive library and archives within the Apocryphorum. They catalog new acquisitions, maintain the existing records, and facilitate research for other members.

10. **Savants:** Specialists in specific magical disciplines or areas of expertise. Savants are sought for their unique knowledge and insights, often consulted for advice or assistance in complex matters.

The internal hierarchy encourages collaboration, continuous learning, and a shared commitment to the society's mission. Each member's role contributes to the preservation and responsible stewardship of magical artifacts and knowledge, ensuring that the secrets of the Apocryphorum remain hidden and the power they hold is kept from falling into the wrong hands.


Mysterious Society of Apocryphal Explorers (1)

The Apocryphorum is a captivating and enigmatic place of great significance, shrouded in secrecy and dedicated to preserving and safeguarding powerful magical artifacts, divine relics, rare texts, and valuable knowledge. This hidden stronghold serves as the heart of the Mysterious Society of Apocryphal Explorers, an order devoted to Boccob and committed to the responsible management of mystical items.

Located deep within Kingsmount, the Apocryphorum's entrance conceals itself in an unremarkable alley amidst the opulence of a wealthy housing district. An inconspicuous cellar door, hidden behind a simple manse, serves as the threshold to this mysterious domain. Upon crossing the threshold, one is transported to a small pocket dimension, where the true Apocryphorum resides.

Inside, the Apocryphorum unfolds like a magnificent museum, an awe-inspiring sight for those fortunate enough to set foot within its walls. The entrance hall welcomes visitors with towering marble statues of fantastical creatures, a testament to the society's reverence for magic and mythical beings. In the center, a modest directory stands, guiding members and guests through the grand halls and chambers.

Beyond its museum-like facade, the Apocryphorum functions as both a college and a dormitory, promoting a scholarly and immersive atmosphere for its members. Scholars, sorcerers, and artifact experts from the Reliquary of Boccob and beyond gather here to study, share knowledge, and hone their magical talents.

The Apocryphorum's vast collection of priceless relics and potent items represents the culmination of the society's tireless efforts. Every member is expected to contribute significantly to the collection, as their personal quests lead them to far corners of the world in search of magical treasures.

The society's devotion to Boccob and their motto, "Scientia Tutissima Occulta," echo throughout the Apocryphorum's walls, reminding everyone of their sacred duty to keep dangerous artifacts away from those who might misuse them. In doing so, the society plays a vital role in maintaining the balance of power and safeguarding the world from potential havoc.

Inside these hallowed halls, profound secrets are unveiled, and the knowledge of ages past is shared among the chosen few. The Apocryphorum stands as a sanctuary of wisdom, a bastion of protection, and a symbol of the unyielding dedication of the Mysterious Society of Apocryphal Explorers to the noble pursuit of magical preservation and responsible stewardship.

Mysterious Society of Apocryphal Explorers (2)


Sarah Howle[]

Backstory: Sarah's journey into the Mysterious Society of Apocryphal Explorers began when she met Marcus during her early adventuring days. Impressed by her natural talent and hunger for knowledge, Marcus took her under his wing as his protege. Sarah quickly proved herself to be a skilled and resourceful fighter, as well as possessing a knack for stealth and subterfuge. However, unlike many other members of the society, she never felt a strong connection to the divine or the arcane. Instead, her fascination lay in the practical application of knowledge and the thrill of uncovering hidden secrets in the field.

Personality Traits: Sarah is a determined and self-reliant individual with a sharp intellect and a hunger for discovery. She possesses a curious and adventurous spirit, always seeking to push the boundaries of what is known and uncover the hidden truths of the world. Despite her nonchalant attitude towards matters of faith, she holds a deep respect for the knowledge and artifacts that the Mysterious Society of Apocryphal Explorers seeks to protect. Sarah is known for her pragmatism and practicality, often taking calculated risks and relying on her combat skills and wit to overcome obstacles.

Adorning her adventurer's attire, Sarah carries an array of finely crafted tools, each serving a distinct purpose. One piece, a heavy repeating crossbow, stands out with its exquisite craftsmanship, intricately engraved and seemingly imbued with a subtle, otherworldly energy. Securely strapped to her back is a quiver filled with meticulously maintained projectiles, ready for swift action. Her protective attire, subtly marked with the insignia of the Mysterious Society of Apocryphal Explorers, includes a fitted studded leather jerkin. Completing her attire, her shin greaves ensure her agility, safeguarding her lower limbs without hindering her mobility.

Sarah herself is a woman in her mid-30s, with a striking presence defined by a lean and athletic build. Her long, dark chestnut hair flows in loose waves, often tied back in a practical ponytail to keep it out of her way during exploration. Her sharp hazel eyes exude determination and curiosity, while her sun-kissed skin bears a hint of adventure in its lightly tanned complexion.

Marcus Planoy[]

Appearance: Marcus stands at 5'9" with a medium-length full beard and short brown hair. Despite his age, he maintains an abnormally fit physique, a testament to his disciplined lifestyle. He often dresses similarly to his protégé Dib, wearing a hooded cloak most of the time, which adds an air of mystery to his appearance.

Background: Marcus was born in the kingdom of Uther, but his early life was fraught with challenges and difficulties. Whether he came from noble blood or was a commoner is a story known only to him, a part of his past he seldom discusses. However, Marcus's exceptional talents and potential caught the attention of Uther's renowned War College. Trained as a Warmage, he proved his mettle in several border conflicts against the rival kingdom of Wother, earning respect and recognition among his peers.

Recruitment into the Mysterious Society: Marcus's reputation as a skilled Warmage did not go unnoticed by the Mysterious Society of Apocryphal Explorers. Their agents approached him during one of his missions, recognizing his potential as a valuable asset in their quest to seek and protect powerful magic artifacts and divine relics. Intrigued by the Society's noble mission, Marcus decided to join their ranks, leaving behind his former life in Uther to embrace a new purpose.

Transformation into a Boccob Cleric: Within the Society, Marcus's spiritual journey took an unexpected turn. While delving into the mysteries of ancient artifacts and magical relics, he discovered a profound connection with Boccob, the god of knowledge and magic. Inspired by this divine encounter, Marcus embraced a deeper calling and began a path of spiritual enlightenment. Under the guidance of Boccob, he trained as a cleric, learning to wield divine magic alongside his arcane abilities.

Role as a Mentor: Marcus has become a revered mentor within the Mysterious Society of Apocryphal Explorers. His own experience as an outcast and his journey from Warmage to Boccob cleric has given him a unique perspective on life and the pursuit of knowledge. He has a keen eye for spotting potential in individuals, especially those who have faced hardship and adversity like he did in his youth. Taking them under his wing, he provides guidance and support, offering them a chance to be part of the Society and its mission to protect the world from the misuse of powerful magics.

The Apocryphorum: As a respected senior member of the Society, Marcus takes great pride in safeguarding the Apocryphorum, the hidden stronghold where their collection of rare artifacts and knowledge is preserved. He contributes to the museum-college-dormitory hybrid, ensuring that the treasures they have amassed are kept away from those who might seek to exploit them. The motto "Scientia Tutissima Occulta" resonates deeply with him, guiding his actions and decisions as he strives to keep knowledge safe and secure.

Marcus Planoy is a testament to the transformative power of knowledge and the pursuit of truth. From his humble beginnings in Uther to his esteemed position within the Mysterious Society of Apocryphal Explorers, he serves as a source of inspiration and guidance for young adventurers like Dib, helping them find purpose and direction in their quest for ancient wonders and hidden secrets

Gabriel Stormweaver[]

Background: Gabriel Stormweaver was born and raised in the bustling city of Kingsmount. His parents were skilled merchants, and from an early age, Gabriel showed an innate affinity for magic. His extraordinary talents caught the attention of the Reliquary of Boccob, and at a young age, he was sent to study at the prestigious institution.

Education at the Reliquary: Gabriel's time at the Reliquary was transformative. He excelled in both arcane and divine studies, becoming a prodigious young mage. He was fascinated by the ideals of balance and moderation taught by the Reliquary's sages and developed a deep respect for the teachings of Boccob, the Uncaring. He became a promising student, mastering various spells and techniques under the watchful eye of the Reliquary's esteemed instructors.

Recruitment into the Order: Gabriel caught the attention of the Order of the Golden Shield and Purple Blade. His incredible magical abilities and devotion to powerful magic made him an attractive candidate for their ranks. Under the guise of seeking to maintain balance, Gabriel was recruited into the Order, which viewed him as a skilled mage who could aid their cause.

Joining the Mysterious Society: During one of his missions for the Order, Gabriel stumbled upon a rare and powerful divine relic that piqued his curiosity. Upon investigating further, he discovered the Mysterious Society of Apocryphal Explorers and their mission to safeguard powerful magic. The Society's ideals resonated deeply with him, and he realized that he could contribute more to the protection of magic by joining them.

Gaining the Society's Trust: Gabriel earned the trust of the Mysterious Society by presenting the rare divine relic he had retrieved during his mission. His dedication and prowess in magic impressed the Society's members, and he was initiated into their secretive ranks. He began exploring the hidden stronghold, the Apocryphorum, and engaging in their quests to preserve and protect magical artifacts.


Gabriel possesses a striking appearance with raven-black hair, piercing blue eyes, and an athletic build. In the presence of the Order and the Society, he wears robes of deep purple, adorned with golden pentagons and eyes to signify his mastery of both arcane and divine arts. His fez is also a rich purple, adorned with golden tassels representing his numerous fields of study. Over his robes, he dons a Mithral Breastplate, reflecting his combat readiness and dedication to the pursuit of power.


As a changeling he is 5’5” and 120 lbs, always wearing a hood so that all you can see is his face and a litle white hair poking out, medium length.

Dib does not have many distinct facial features. He has a small bump for a nose, a small tight mouth, and an expression that never changes. The hood flows down into blocks robes. A glimpse of white chainmail underneath and a bump on his shoulder where the pauldron are is visible beneath. His arms and fingers are long. His eyes are blank white.

When he is outside of his study, not a changling, he looks homeless, with a 5 o clock shadow, stern face, and long brown hair.

He carries around a book that he clutches to his chest with a symbol on it

Percival Jareth[]


Percival, known affectionately as Percy by his friends, possesses a vibrant and charismatic personality that leaves a lasting impression on those he meets. His mischievous grin and twinkling green eyes reflect his playful and adventurous nature. Percy is an eternal optimist, always finding humor and joy even in the darkest of situations. He has a natural talent for connecting with people, captivating them with his storytelling and stage tricks. Despite his mischievous tendencies, Percy's heart is kind and caring, always willing to lend a hand to those in need.


Percy's half-elf heritage is evident in his unique appearance. He has inherited his mother's graceful features, with a slightly pointed nose and elegantly arched eyebrows. His warm and expressive green eyes are framed by long, dark lashes. Percy's tousled dark hair adds to his carefree and roguish charm. He dresses in colorful and practical attire, favoring outfits that allow him to move freely during his tricks and performances. He carries himself with a certain grace and confidence, a result of his elven heritage, blended with the easygoing nature of his human father.


Percival Jareth’s journey began in Kingsmount, where he grew up as the only son of a modest jeweler, his elven mother. When he showed some magical talents as a child, his mother scraped together enough funds to send him to Stonetrick, hoping he would excel in wizardry. However, despite the best intentions, Percy struggled with formal spellcasting and realized his true talents lay elsewhere.

His knack for stage tricks, storytelling, and a rare talent for working with magical devices emerged during his time at Stonetrick. Frustrated by his lack of progress in traditional spellcraft, Percy made the difficult decision to leave the school and seek his own path in the world.

Once back in Kingsmount, Percy's reputation as an entertaining rogue began to spread. He performed captivating illusions and street tricks, earning him both admiration and a reputation as a mischievous trickster. One fateful day, a mysterious figure approached Percy after one of his performances. The individual introduced themselves as a member of the Mysterious Society of Apocryphal Explorers, recognizing Percy's unique talents and potential.

The Society saw the value in Percy's expertise in illusions and magical devices and offered him a place among their ranks. Eager for new adventures and opportunities to showcase his skills, Percy eagerly accepted the offer. He became an invaluable asset to the Society, using his charming and resourceful nature to navigate the world of secrets and mysteries.

Motivated by the desire for self-discovery, Percy embraced his role as a rogue, relishing the chance to explore the unknown and uncover ancient artifacts. The thrill of the unknown, the allure of secret knowledge, and the camaraderie with like-minded adventurers fueled his dedication to the Society's cause. Percy also felt a deep sense of gratitude towards his mother, who had sacrificed so much for his education. He sought to make her proud by using his talents to contribute to the Mysterious Society's mission of preserving powerful magic and uncovering rare relics.

As Percy Jareth embarks on daring expeditions and clandestine missions, he cherishes the connections he makes with his fellow members of the Mysterious Society. His charismatic and caring nature earns him true friends and allies, forging bonds that will serve him well on the path of exploration and adventure.

Elara Nightshade[]

Appearance: Elara possesses the captivating beauty of her elven heritage, with delicate features, pointed ears, and striking emerald eyes that seem to hold a hint of ancient wisdom. Her long, ebony hair cascades down her back, often adorned with intricate braids. She wears practical yet elegant robes that blend her elven and human heritage, along with a pendant containing an otherworldly gem gifted to her by her patron.

Personality: Elara exudes an air of confidence and composure, masking a passionate curiosity that fuels her pursuit of knowledge. She is eloquent and well-spoken, and her calm demeanor often instills trust and respect in those around her. While she is a devoted and respected member of the Mysterious Society of Apocryphal Explorers, her recent obsession with proving the existence of the Elder Evils has led her to become more introspective and secretive about her research.

Background Story: Elara's lineage is an amalgamation of her human mother's scholarly background and her elven father's fascination with arcane secrets. Raised within the Reliquary of Boccob, she quickly embraced both her parents' passions, displaying remarkable talent in magic and scholarly pursuits. She was mentored by Aelarion Dawnweaver himself, who recognized her potential and took her under his wing. Over the years, Elara became a renowned chronicler within the society, contributing extensively to their knowledge and collection. However, as she delved into ancient tomes and occult texts, she stumbled upon whispers of the Great Old Ones and their potential connection to the Elder Evils. Night after night, she researched, seeking hidden truths and deciphering cryptic prophecies that hinted at their existence. Her growing fixation began to isolate her from her peers, causing her to keep her research and findings to herself, fearing that others might not understand or share her belief in the Elder Evils

Mysterious Society of Apocryphal Explorers (2024)


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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.